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Old 01-05-2011, 03:14 AM   #175 (permalink)
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Sarani Glass
Default Kristiyyeenn, Colleyh, Clawz and sortofConn. <3
♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ]

Text Cut: Kristiin <3
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Confidence was always intriguing to Renée. Especially when it was just there, not shoved in her face. It seemed she was lucky in that regard, then, as Jared, in all his new fascination for her, was seeming to not be the type to flaunt things. An odd similarity, it seemed, between them. Even if she was being a little more cavalier about her unspoken skills than he was. She still remembered that wall she'd hit at the beginning of their conversation. It bothered her less now, though. It was less of an issue.

She grinned at his lazy comment, however. "Loopholes are crazy like that. Next thing you know they'll be tripping us up," she replied with a shrug. She was much preferring the idea of a relaxed situation, over a tense, frustration-filled one. So as long as they continued thinking it was possible, things would roll along quite well. Even if she still thought the likelihood of her throwing him out was slim. The opening that she still had was comforting, in a way. And at least he didn't seem as odd as others at the table that she was choosing to not think of.

She hadn't even really thought of her facetious mention of the creature as an admission that she'd gotten into his head, but as he reacted she found herself laughing softly again. As if she'd been caught. Oh well. He was bound to find out at some point, as she imagined she wouldn't be able to keep it hidden forever. "Fantastically Muggle, you say?," she said as he answered her musing about interests. It seemed he was going to be just as forthcoming as she was on that matter. Give a little hint, then sit back and see what happened. It was always fun to see the reactions when people found out about her anyway.

Loopholes. He'd come across a number of amusing ones in his life, and Jared personally thought he could see enough in the Ministry's laws to cause its fall at the hands of someone that had enough of a brain and an interest in a fall. Perhaps Mr. Gevrik should be more concerned about that.

Then again, he didn't know the man. Not enough. Not yet. Jared preferred not to suspect unnecessarily.

Her laugh caused him to smile lightly. She had a perpetual advantage there, an added perception, but it did not bother him. Felt fine, if anything. Their abilities, polar opposites, did balance each other in an odd sort of fashion. "Extreme sports," he offered. "It's always more fun if you might end up unconscious," he added jestingly.

Originally Posted by Colley ♥ View Post
Ah, proper.

Lily smiled again and lifted her glass as well, to return the gesture. There was a lot of conversation going on down that end, and no room for more talking.

He was in a familiar seat, though. Was that Lexi's seat? Hmmm...
Healer Moretti. Jared gave her a polite smile but, since a certain Jake had decided to make his presence known and she seemed inclined [like half the staff] to tackle his behaviour, he did nothing else.

Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd View Post
Yes, indeed, this man was a fun one. Maya would probably get along with him just fine. So, did she chase students? "Ofcourse." She let a small smile on her lips and shrugged, "But not not away from pumpkins." That was the groundskeeper's job, right? And the owl? "If I find anyone not giving a creature the respect it deserves..." There was no hint of sarcasm or jesting in her expression now, "...I won't be a happy woman." Oooh yeah, she'd keep an eye on everyone in this room. Could you put security cameras out on the grounds?
The smile she had given him earlier once again, amused, not at all forced. That must mean she enjoyed chasing students. "From your office?" He asked, a lazy, little grin playing around his lips. "I've been told to expect traffic." He could not say he did not like having a little time on his own.

The seriousness in her tones was a clear indication that she believed in respecting magical creatures. Excellent. In Jared's opinion, they could remain on a mostly good footing just from that. "I can understand that," he said, a little thoughtfully. "It seems we share a love for magical creatures. I assume there's a creature nursery here?" He had yet to inspect the grounds.

Originally Posted by Con_Stripes View Post
Ethan Truebridge choked on his drink a little bit. It took him a few moments to recover and he was very close to just getting up and making an escape but he was peripherally aware that Jake was... nearby being Jake, and that was enough to keep him from leaving right away.

He coughed and got his breath back and then after a moment of silence, hidden behind his shades still, he managed an answer.

Truebridge looked like a panic attack hovered directly above him. Jared, having caught enough - though not much - of the conversation going on there, had to suppress a grin, though his lips twitched.

Poor man. Jared could empathize.

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