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Alex laughed shaking his head. "Unsanitary? That's the only reason?" She was joking, funny girl. She was joking... Right? Or had she gone around biting people? Must have looked pretty funny and extremely cute.
He waved one hand dismissively at her. Announcement thingy, announcement board same thing different names. "You knew what I meant didn't you?" he chuckled with a wink. No need to notice his choice of words missy, they were almost never right. And when they were they usually were about things he knew everything about, like quidditch, pranking and girls. Although he didn't count Ellie as a girl. Merlin of course he counted her as a girl he counted her as The girl, capital T. But sometimes he didn't because... Well she was different and he had actually no clue whatsoever how he would act around her. And that wasn't normal for him.
"Then we'll have to keep an eye out." he smirked. Or both you know because he always looked at things with both eyes, why would he look at important things with just one eye?! O.o It didn't make any sense, sometimes people were just freaky that did that. Sometimes his mind was really freaky like right then when he stood talking to Ellie. At least she wasn't a mind reader. Oh he would be sooo doomed if she was a mind reader. He wouldn't have any friends at all! *sniff* "Perhaps we can sneak out sometime when the pitch is unoccopied and practise." he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Like in the middle of the night... How awesome would that be?! Dark yes, but awesome.
Ellie fingered on her ring and Alex ran a hand through her hair. Wait she only did that when she was nervous and feelings like that. So did that mean he made her as nervous as she made him? Nah probably not. She probably just did that because of the awkward silence that had erupted before he had time to pick a subject.
Faaaacepaaalm! Of course she didn't already missed it, the Feast was still going on she hadn't been away for that long. Way to go, Alex. You have now embarrassed yourself. Again. Cue applauds and mockings. Ugh. "Ooh right." he chuckled scratching his neck. "Then I'll ask again in a month then." he grinned. Mental note; A month from now ask Ellie about the Leaky. Done!
Huh, did he miss New York? One part of him screamed yes and wanted to lay down on the floor in misery and he other one said; "Huh, New York? What's that? Can you eat it? *omnom*" Alex thought for a while, which side would he show to Ellie? Hm, how about a little bit of both. "I miss my family." he nodded. Yes he really did, there was no one to take care of his sister when he was away. Sure their parents but not a big brother. Whittle Jenna. "And I miss the city sometimes..." Also true, Empire State Building etc.... *sigh*. "But I don't think about it too much. I'm having too much fun right where I am talking to you." he winked. Also very true, he was such an honest boy *rewards him*. "And at the moment I wouldn't have it any other way." At that moment he really wouldn't have it any other way, talking to any other person. He was talking to Ellie and he loved liked that very much indeed. Another truth to wind it up. Good Slythie boy.
Ellie laughed too and pushed back her hair out of her face.
Well and because it's a little weird." And most people don't appreciate it when a random girl decides to bite them.
"Oh yes, of coouurse." she said, smiling at his
ever-so-charming wink. Winks and smirks, back and forth, she loved it. Those were her two favorite facial expressions. *nod* Mhmm. And it was even better on her favorite boy. Oh! Did she really just think that? Oh yes. She did. At least Alex wasn't a mind reader, oooh she would be so done for if he could read her mind. (OOC: bahah, i copied you. teehee.) Oh and then was the wiggling of the eyebrows. Her favorite Alex trademark was the eyebrow wiggles.
Hm, maybe there was a connection from his eyebrows to her nervous system, because everytime he wiggled his eyebrows, so did her nerves. Huh, weird thought. Woah, caught up in the eyebrows. Did he just say
sneak out?! A grin stretched across her face.
"Oh, you dog!" She whispered loudly. A shifty expression overtook her face as she looked upward and tapped her chin.
"Though sneaking out... I like the sound of that." She said. She looked back down at Alex and winked at him with the same shifty expression.
Jeez, she should've been sorted in Slytherin!
She smiled to herself as Alex ran his hand through his hair and scratched his neck. Nervous? He'd ask again in a month.
"I'll be waiting, then." she said. Good, now he'd have to see her again. Not that Ellie thought he'd just walk away and never come back. Well she certainly hoped not...
Ellie nodded while Alex explained to her. She could only imagine how hard it would be to leave her family (assuming her family actually had a loving relationship) who lived in a completely different continent for a whole school year.
"I'm sorry... That must be really hard for you." She tried sympathizing, but it was hard. Alex's story was completely different than hers. She frowned. And the city. She'd never been to a big city before. Besides Muggle London, but that was old news to her.
"I wonder what it's like in America." She said dreamily.
"All the tall buildings, the city lights, people everywhere... Oh, the Statue of Liberty, too. Of course, that's only what I've seen in pictures." Oh, and the hotdog stands everywhere, right...? Or were those just in movies...
Though she was very interested in their conversation, it was the next part Alex said that caught her by surprise.
I'm having too much fun right where I am talking to you. And at the moment I wouldn't have it any other way. It took a second for Ellie to absorb that. A cute boy, but not just
any cute boy,
the cute boy, just told her that he was having fun talking to her and that he wouldn't have it any other way...! Wow, Ellie could be such a sap sometimes. Oh, right. Staring is rude, Ellie, say something. Her face immediatley flushed.
"Oh." Ah yes, so profound. She looked up at his hazel eyes. His green Slytherin robes really brought out the green in them
and it was hard not to stare.
"I wouldn't have it any other way either." She said with a smile. And it was true. She would have liked to say more, but she couldn't. She didn't know what to say. Alex had left her speechless once again.
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Ellie was right about it all being a learning experience. For the first year and a half after Sven's death Draven was pretty much lost and unconsolable. But it also made him tougher albeit sometimes angry when bad things happened to people he cared about. But he was learning to deal with it much better and could see how much it had made Ellie the kind of person who she was now.
"Well, i think your doing a great job Ellie. And I think your dad would be very proud of you" he said smiling.
"But just so you know, if you ever want to come stay with me and my parents over the summer in Ashbourne your more than welcome. They would love to have you as they are very friendly people" he said sincerely.
He hated the fact that she was alone outside of Hogwarts so if he could help out in anyway he would. He smiled as she said he could count on her anytime he needed which he totally believed. She was a very sweet and one of the closest friends he had made at Hogwarts.
"Thanks Ellie, that really means a lot to me. It really does".
Ellie smiled at Draven.
"Really? Thank you, Draven. You know, that really means a lot. I think my dad would have liked you." She said with a small laugh.
"And I'm really glad that you and I can talk to each other about these things. It takes a true friend to do that. So I'm glad I have you." She said, poking him lightly on the arm.
She took Draven's offer into consideration and raised her eyebrows.
"Wow, really? Thank you! That's really nice of you to offer!" Ohh, he was such a nice boy. It was true, Ellie did have those days in summer where everyone was at home except for her, stuck in the empty Leaky Cauldron all alone. Staying with friends would be a great change for her. She smiled at the idea.
"Not a problem at all, Draven. I'm here for ya." she said, smiling.
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Reminded of the oddly laid-back girl from earlier, Winston gave her a bewildered look. "Well, yes, I'm nervous," he said simply after a pause for consideration. Who wouldn't be?
Ellie frowned. Well, I guess he did have something to be nervous about. Headmaster Tate
did just say
"Do not die." in his start of the term speech. Subtle, Tate... veeery, subtle.
Ellie scooched over to the first year but still kept a good amount of space between them in fear that the boy may explode any second. She sighed and pondered what she could say to get him more relaxed in the Hogwarts atmosphere.
"Everyone gets nervous. I was nervous as heck my first year too. This is where your life begins. Everything changes here on out. Even the ceiling and the staircases. Everyone gets scared to death; afraid they'll end up on the wrong floor or in the wrong corridor, or run into the crazy ghost in the 3rd floor lavatory. Don't worry, she stays in the girls bathroom." She reassured him
though that wasn't always true. She breathed in.
"Your teachers may be scary, but they're here to teach and if you're here to learn, you won't have a problem with them. You may have loads of homework every night, but if you're still here to learn, you'll do great on it. And your tests! You've just gotta take a deeep breath, relax, and say: "I can do this." Hogwarts is one giant family. And if it's too giant for you, then me and the rest of Ravenclaw are here for you too." She said with a friendly smile.
"You got this." She said. Wow. Who knew pep talks could be so much fun?
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It was so sweet how Ellie offered to talk about Edmond but she needed to get done with him.He wasnt coming back. Never. The time to cry about it was over."I really appreciate that",the blonde smiled,"you know if you have something you want to talk about i will be there."What were friends for?!Fee couldnt stand seeing her friends sad and always tried to help them the best she could.
The Slytherin giggled when Ellie leaned forward.She was just sooo incredebly cute when it came to Alex.When would they see how perfect thex were for eachother?!"I dont think he can tell",she shook her head,"guys are always blond to things like this."That was sooo annyoing,how much more obvious could it get?!Someone needed to make the first move."Dont worry about it",the girl winked at her friend,"oh and i am going to throw a party when you get together."That would be sooo fun.
"Ohh yeeess cant you see how innocent i am?",Fee laughed making her best puppy face.Maybe she wasnt all innocent, but would she tell.Nooo. Of course the girl would fight to get into the Quidditch team no matter what but still she wouldnt hurt anyone badly.That was just not her.
Ellie nodded with a smile.
"I know that. Thanks." She said. That's what friends were for: talking. She was glad Fee was okay with talking about stuff like that. Maybe when the time was right, she would tell her about her
crazy messed up family. Well, maybe not the whole story. Wouldn't want to make the girl pass out, now would we?!
Phew, relief. Fee said she didn't think Alex could tell she was totally
falling for crushing on him. And Fee was his best friend, so she'd know everything, right? Right?! Ellie raised her eyebrows and laughed.
"When we get together?" She asked in a bewildered voice.
"Jeez, someone has to make the first move before anything can happen..." She mumbled. It couldn't be her. Girls didn't make the first move, didn't they? That was a guy thing right...? She hoped so, she was terrible at making "moves".
"And what makes you so sure that will happen?" She asked with skepticle eyes.
Ellie laughed at Fee's puppy-dog eyes. Ohh not the puppy-eyes card! Anyone could fall for that. Hmph.
"Innocence doesn't lie!" she joked. And oh yes, those Slytherins were known for lying. Pff, except for not. All the ones she'd met were extremely nice. Stereotype fail.
"Oh, Fee." she said laughing.
"You can pull those on the quidditch pitch, but we Ravenclaws are smart. We won't fall for it." she winked at the blonde. Score for intelligence.