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Old 01-05-2011, 02:14 AM   #625 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Winston blinked at the impolite girl. What kind of a question was that? "I'm a first year," Winston said. Uh-oh. Hopefully he hadn't just told off a third year or something. That'd be bad.

"Erm...thank you, I suppose," he added, slightly confused. He was a first year. He didn't look that far ahead. He had barely even thought about the first day of classes. And just now, when the headmaster stood up, had he even realized there would be a speech.
Firstie! Fellow firstie!

Well, that was nice. Another Ravenclaw from Charisa's own year, although maybe they were off to a bad start since he really made her want to stick her elbows into her potatoes. Heh. But he didn't ask her what year she was in, so whateverrr. She didn't say anything about it either.

Oh, come now. That was a compliment. Sort of. Charisa smiled and nodded. "No problem." Err, she didn't know his name. "Oh, and I'm Charisa Sokova. You are...?" Eyebrow raise.
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