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Maybe she was up to no good and was trying to avoid the question. Yes, those Hufflepuffs always oh-so loyal and friendly, just like those pogrebins they were innocent until the moment they preyed. Eino looked at the girl very suspiciously then took another sip of water while fixing his eyes upon her the entire time. Maybe [s]she[/i] had gotten rid of Caroline and now she was looking for another student to devour, and she had chosen Eino. Of course he was so nervous when he met her, it was a warning. Unfortunately, he didn't have his pogrebin-capturing-net with him, otherwise he would have tossed it over her and interrogate her about Caroline's whereabouts. "I see." Eino said monotonously with his eyes still fixed on hers, threateningly.
Excited to her someone mention pogrebin capturing, and without realizing who had spoken, Eino replied and he turned around, "My friend Caroline has been eaten by po--" He paused when he realized he was speaking with Caroline, who obviously hadn't been eaten by pogrebins. So did this mean Brittany wasn't an evil pogrebin in disguise after all? and Hufflepuffs weren't all pogrebins? He would have to look into this matter. "Hi Caroline. I haven't seen you since Diagon Alley so I thought you were eaten by a pogrebin." He explained himself, not sure if it did any good.
The trunk... Yes, Eino nodded. "It's in the trunk." No wonder Hugo was a Ravenclaw. "I put him in the trunk when we left the train because I couldn't bring it to the feast." Eino explained recalling the event. It was way past Faustus' bedtime anyway, so hopefully it would already be asleep in the trunk. This could be a problem since Eino would have to wake it up to take out his pajamas.
Ohhhh k. Maybe he wasnt as smart as she thought he was because now he was giving her looks that she had expected to be given before their actual conversatuon. Boys!!!
His Piercing glare was making her feel Rather awkward. She didnt know what was wrong with him. She wondered was it just him who acted oddly or was it just ravenclaw. Hmmmm she would hae to look into that.
She didnt know what else to do so she did the only thing that she could think of....
*Staaarrrrreeeee*... after a few minutes she got bored of staring and began to eat a cookie as if nothing had happened. "
So do you have any siblings?" *que dazzling smile* She asked between a bite of the delicious cookie