Post 3 Wish I Was In Florida! | The Avengers | Music | HP Boxset - my life since Xmas! | Luna Lovegood I thought I should give you all a post since I'm back to schol tomorrow and posts will be few and far between. Here is the last of a regular Just Matt Sa16+
Chapter 1 - Back To Hogwarts (Part 3) As Matt got closer to the end of the train he began peering in compartments looking for Alex. When he got to the very last one he peered in to see her sitting alone on a seat. Her brown hair was up in a bobble and her round cheeks were wide with happiness when she saw him. She stood up and put her arms around his neck, Matty stood there in shock until he remembered to hug her back; he gave her a light squeeze around her waist and pulled away.
‘How are you?’ Alex asked as they both sat on the comfortable seats.
‘Oh I’m fine, bit annoyed about this morning but you don’t need to know. We’re here now, away from everything. You?’
‘I had a problem this morning too, you might be brave enough to hold yours in but I have to get this out in the open.’ Her voice seemed rushed and panicked and her breath was sharp as she looked at Matt, waiting for a response.
‘OK, go for it.’
‘Well, I woke up because of this racket going on in the kitchen. I rushed down and mum was throwing pots and bashing utensils off the surfaces. She was having a crazy moment but I couldn’t do anything, she could have killed me. My dad had sent her a letter from Azkaban saying how he loved us both and he can’t wait to be home. Mum was cursing and shouting about how he’ll land himself back there as soon as he’s out and she was going mental. The letter was on the floor, right in the corner so I made to pick it up and read it but she went mad. She launched a pan towards the corner I was standing in – ‘
‘Did she hit you?’
‘No no, I ducked, I’m fine. Anyways she refused to bring me to Kings Cross so I was going to call you but obviously your parents would never have let me and so I called Jess and her Dad took me in his car.’
‘I’m just glad you’re here and healthy.’
‘Me too, now I feel bad for you not sharing your problems. Go on, you can tell me anything.’
‘No, honest, I’m fine. What have you been up to since we saw each other last week then?’
They had met behind the joke shop when Matty was working and then he had served her when she bought some tricks and pranks. They had done this a few times over summer as not many people noticed as they were too busy shopping. Alex described visiting her grandfather Dean Thomas and how she thought that he might be ill and he just wasn’t saying. Dean was special to Alexa as he was the only sane person left in her family. She loved visiting him just to get away.
They continued to talk and laugh and share but the pupils around them were moving about getting ready for Hogsmeade. Black robes trailed behind everyone as they peered into the glass doors, staring at Matt and Alex.
‘We had better change Matty and plus people are beginning to stare.’ Alex pointed out, standing up and sliding the door open. It was common knowledge that is you saw them together there might be a duel but of course between Al and Matt this wasn’t usual.
‘I’ll see you later, do you want to meet up after dinner?’
‘What about Midnight Chess again, same as last year?’
‘Sounds great but I thought that was Wednesdays?’
‘We’ll change it, Mondays?’
‘OK, see you in the common room; I’ll text you to wake you if you need it.’
‘You know I probably will.’ Well? Hope it was OK :\
__________________ You're just a daydream away,I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away, Just watch from a safe place, So I never have to lose.
Last edited by KatielovesHP; 02-22-2011 at 07:57 PM.