Text Cut: Sarah/Isabelle
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She never really thought that a guy was who she would be discussing shoes with. Alastair usually just rolled his eyes when she mentioned to him that she'd bought another pair. Although she didn't really do that much anymore, what with the house to do up. But that is digressing. And for some reason, Isabelle thought she knew what he was going to say, before he cut himself short. "You can say it you know," she laughed, taking another liquorice out of her cup. "I won't bite your head off for thinking me strange to like shoes so much." But there could be worse things to like, no?
As Jeremy patted her on the back, Isabelle nodded her thanks, eyes still watering a little. "Oh don't worry, I wouldn't think to put you through such an obviously awful experience." She wiped her eyes and giggled slightly. No, he seemed quite keen to avoid it - even with his own family. And she wasn't cruel. Far from it. "I'm sure I will." Eventually. "Evil? Me?" Issy drew her hand up to her chest and dropped her mouth open in fake shock. "Not at all. And I believe you, of course." She patted him on the arm and wiggled her eyebrows mischievously. She was enjoying this amusing conversation.
Issy dared to take another bite of her sweets, even though the risk of her choking again was quite high. And it nearly happened, too. Thanks to Jeremy again. "Traumatised? The poor thing. Tell me though - why is it so bad going shopping with us women?" Maybe if she found out the answer it would help her to NOT put Alastair through it again.
And then she felt as if eyes were boring into them.
Slowly Isabelle turned her gaze onto a young boy stood the other side of the table. He seemed to be frozen in some sort of - shock? Although he appeared to be looking at Hecate. Issy's eyes darted between the two of them as she waited for something to be said, or to happen. Not being able to take the odd tension anymore, she was just about to speak up when Jeremy and Hecate did instead.
The boy's response make her choke a little more. Ahh yes, Professor Kingsley. He was the man whose job she had taken over, the name registering in her mind. Oh dear. Best keep out of this as long as possible.
Oh really, he could say it? Somehow he doubted it. Not the part about biting his head off, no, he wasn't going to let THAT happen but still, she probably wouldn't be exactly too pleased.
"I won't challenge you. Let's just leave it at that." He therefore replied with a small knowing yet slightly mischevious grin. This was certainly interesting - and maybe useful - to know about Isabelle.
Okay, maybe she wasn't THAT evil after all as she promised him not to go shopping with him, or force him to go shopping with her rather.
"Do you think going for a drink would be likely to end up in a shopping spree?" Jeremy joked with a grin, while at the same time offering for them to meet up for a drink some time. She was certainly entertaining to be around.
Heh. He simply shrugged innocently at her pat on his arm accompanying her somewhat doubtful reply.
Without having yet taken a bite it he gestured at Isabelle with his licorice wand as she asked what exactly it was that was that horrible about shopping.
"How much time do you have?" Jeremy chuckled lightly before reaching for his drink once again to take a sip.
"You know, I really think that each shop should have something like a bar or a café attached where the men can go to while the women do their shopping." He stated truely with a small grin, showing that he wasn't completely serious. Or was he?
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She smiled at him too. "I am glad you weren't serious." She said and listened. "I didn't realize you were moving... Where did you move to?" She asked. She looked at the food on the table... she really wasn't hungry, she'd just eaten before she got to the feast.
It really was good to have his other neighbor back, whatever had kept her from being on time.
"Well, it was rather spontaneous really. My sister and I moved in together. And we're still not done with furnishing the apartment. Well, I would be but Alysson keeps on buying more and more stuff." Not that she got rid of the old ones either. No, now they had about 5 couches in the living room, because they totally needed that and all.
Text Cut: Karla/Treyen
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It was a voice that got him out of whatever spell he'd been into. And his eyes mostly appreciated the 'blinking'.
"Professor Zookara," he said, with a small smile on his face, "I--yes, I am, thank you," just hearing things, nothing unusual, "Hope you have a great summer, Sir," well, that was just a great change in character, wasn't it?
The tone was far too different than the one he's used on the woman sitting on Nolan's place. Perhaps he was more than biased since Jeremy Zookara was a second now. Second on his favorite Professor's list, of course. Kingsley was first...if he ever made an appearance.
But he...wanted to know?
"Professor, do you happen to know where Professor Kingsley is?" but he wasn't certain if he'll be hearing what he thought people will be saying, since he was now hearing what he wanted to hear. And he didn't mind which Professor answered either.
Though, he supposed he ought to head back to his table, NOW...and take Ellie away from this table, too?
Treyen was now looking at him instead of Hecate. Go him. And it seemed Hecate hadn't noticed either.
"You sure?" Jeremy automatically replied as the boy claimed to be fine, which he obviously wasn't. Unless, being fine normally meant behaving like this for Treyen. Who was he to know.
"Yes, it was, thank you."
Oh no, apparently his gaze had lingered on Hecate's face for a little too long after all. The way he was asking about Preston made it quite obvious that a) he hadn't known about him leaving and b) he had been quite fond of the professor. Which therefore would mean he wasn't going to be too welcoming to Isabelle at first.
As Lily seemed to answer the question for them Jeremy briefly let his eyes flicker towards Isabelle again who looked rather taken aback by the whole situation. And who could blame her? He gave her a quick smile trying to keep her from thinking this was her fault.
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Kurumi smiled back at Professor Zookara. She saw him eying the cookies, but didn't pick any of them up. Perhaps he was waiting for the Headmaster to take one himself before he did, but the Headmaster seemed a little preoccupied with creepy man and the fight breaking out between her Flying professor and another man. "The cookies are for everyone," Kurumi whispered pointing to the contents of the box as she set it within reach of him. She wondered what cookie he would pick. Perhaps his old house? Kurumi never had asked the professors what houses they had been in at Hogwarts. Then again, she had a hunch about Dragon Lady and it most certainly hadn't been Gryffindor.
Oops, she had noticed his
longing gaze resting on the cookies she had brought. Oh well, she should take it as a compliment.
Heh. "Why thank you, Kurumi." Jeremy grinned at the adorable little girl while getting up from his seat a little, so he was able to see what the cookies looked like. Oh they were shaped like the four Hogwarts houses!
Since he hadn't gone to Hogwarts he didn't really have a special 'bond' to either of the houses so he practically chose the one which looked the best. Bleh, they all had animals on them. With another grin for the girl he took a Gryffindor cookie mainly just because it was closest in his reach and settled back into his seat.
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Apparently she almost made him choke on his juice. OH dear! But hey, she wasn't the one who told him to take a drink before looking in her direction! That was his own fault. Shaking her head at him and sighing subtly in relief when he regained control of his respiratory system she returned the grin with a sheepish one of her own and mouthed a quick, I'm sorry to him.
The sorry for that laughing fit and perhaps also because of a certain Ikenna.
Oh and now she was sorry eh? Well maybe she should have thought of that BEFORE making him nearly choke on his juice. Had there not been that many people between them Jeremy would have probably stuck his tongue out at her but then again with all those other people probably noticing he refrained from doing so.
So in the end he only rolled her eyes at her teasingly before shifting slightly in his seat so he could face the Headmaster who had just risen to give his speech.
Text Cut: Tate&Ikennarrr
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"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
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Ikenna Gevrik
As a masterful, focused man often does, Ikenna ignored those around him still trying to address him and waited for Casey Tate's introduction. He stiffly returned the 'bow', or whatever that awkward jerking was, and then turned out toward the students.
"Thank you for that welcome, Headmaster Tate. I am, as he said, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School." He extended a warm smile toward the assembled students and bowed in their direction as well, though at the same time he swept his arms out, he also cast a nonverbal sticking charm at Vindictus' hands in mid-clap.
With the clapping stopped and a dead silence in the Hall, Ikenna straightened back up with a genuinely friendly expression.
"Those of you who can recall events of the past, from a flooding school to an underground fight club, will find it easy to see why the Ministry of Magic has concerns about security around its most precious asset: the bodies and minds of our future leaders. Those of you who may be younger will at the least realize that a heightened sense of safety and security around the castle will not only allow everyone to sleep better at night, but it will also pre-empt any future warnings from your professors, such as orders to 'do not die.'"
Gevrik's beetle-like eyes glittered for a moment with amusement as he cracked a smile, and then he continued onward in a most amicable tone.
"Perhaps some of your good, safe choices this year will lead to good rewards, not only for you, your professors or your house-mates, but perhaps also for the betterment of all mankind. The times are changing swiftly and as the Headmaster said, I can only ask that you lend me your ears and remain open-minded this school year, for you will all find that I am not your typical dose of Ministry intervention."
No, Ikenna Gevrik could be something much more sinister...but he did not drop the smile from his face or the friendliness in his tone...yet.
"Again, I appreciate Hogwarts opening its doors to me and I can only hope that you will all also open your minds and hearts, for I hold the safety and security of us all very dear in mine."
He bowed his head once more to signify the end of his speech and then smoothly slid back down into his seat.
Jeremy glanced at the new person in Max's seat, Mr. Gevrik, as Tate mentioned him and his position and reason why he was at Hogwarts. Not however why he was sitting in the Deputy's chair. Something about the man made him feel a little uneasy. He certainly didn't look like he had come here to make friends. Scary person.
It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself. The way the Headmaster said this made him frown slightly, curious as to why he had felt the need to include those words.
And then said 'guy' got up himself to give a speech. What did they need a 'Special Security Liaison to the School' at Hogwarts for? Oh, and he explained, finally. Or something. Hang on, there had been a FLOODING at the school?! And an underground FIGHT club?! Oh wow. That was just...wow. Okay, maybe they did need some additional security. Maybe. Not sure they needed it from this guy.
Creepy guy.
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Paying much more attention to the feast speeches than typical, Madam Donovan turned her head towards the new speaker and eyed the man suspiciously. Something about him seemed familiar. Not his face... but more his demeanor. He had a way about him. Like the type that used to frequent her parents' place.
Without warning, Kimber stood from her seat. "I must go check on my kids," she reported, excusing herself from the table.
Kimber was leaving?! He couldn't quite keep the surprise off his face as she simply got up from her seat and went to talk to the Gryffindors. Well, he supposed it was her duty but she had chosen a quite interesting moment to do so. Glancing after her for a moment he mentally shrugged it off and moved his attention back to the other people who hadn't left.