Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: london
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel Evans Weasley Fifth Year | I'm ready!
[COLOR="DarkRed"] Quote:
Originally Posted by whscameragal Emily smiled "It's in Canada." Emily said plainly. She loved her country and all but to her, quite honestly, it was normal and everyday. "It's in the middle of a forest in New Brunswick, there is a field there where all the caravans are set up, they used to move with the season but quite honestly Canada is crazy weather and they found they liked it so well they decided to stay put and make themselves a village. This was when my mother was young mind you so i have only known it to be in one spot, though until my third year I had not spent much time there. But now it has been my home for two years." Emily explained.
"Also, I'm sorry I misunderstood, I am not a tranfer student either."
A moving village. Daniel wondered how hard it must be for the postman, having no idea where the village was. But still he could see the point. Moving to a warm place in the winter. Daniel hated the cold, although he did like the snow. "It sounds great" Daniel said to make Emily feel good.
"You hadn't spent much time there until your third year?" asked Daniel. That was odd. "Why?" Daniel asked slightly confused. You were supposed to spend time in your house wern't you?
"Oh right ok. It's probably me. I don't really know alot of people" Daniel said.True. Very true Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley " Hello Audrey Holiday from Dayton, Ohio" Rex said to her." Are you ready for HogWarts?" Rex asked Audrey. "Do you like it here so far?"Rex asked Audrey.
"Wejj, you are a site for sore eyes" Rex told Emily. " So I am "dear" now?" Rex asked Emily laughing. " I am graduating this term" Rex said to Emily. Daniel noticed Emily turn away to talk to someone else and he followed her gaze and his eyes feel upon Rex Trigwell. Uh. Why was he here? He wasn't a Ravenclaw. But he better be nice to him all the same. Barry would want him to be.
"Hi Rex" said Daniel with a little smile. You couldn't get Nicer then that Quote:
"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to weigh those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
Headmaster whats-his-name was making his speech that meant that soon there would be food. Daniel was very hungry. He'd only had a pumpkin pastry today. But still Daniel tried to listen to the speech.
Welcome-blah-blah-new teachers-blah blah... Oh don't die? What did he think they were going to do? Get up one day and stab themselves? Really. Security thingy ? Yeah thanks but no thanks Daniel knew how to be safe. But he'd listen to the mans speech anyway, there had to be a reason for this Quote:
As a masterful, focused man often does, Ikenna ignored those around him still trying to address him and waited for Casey Tate's introduction. He stiffly returned the 'bow', or whatever that awkward jerking was, and then turned out toward the students.
"Thank you for that welcome, Headmaster Tate. I am, as he said, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School." He extended a warm smile toward the assembled students and bowed in their direction as well, though at the same time he swept his arms out, he also cast a nonverbal sticking charm at Vindictus' hands in mid-clap.
With the clapping stopped and a dead silence in the Hall, Ikenna straightened back up with a genuinely friendly expression.
"Those of you who can recall events of the past, from a flooding school to an underground fight club, will find it easy to see why the Ministry of Magic has concerns about security around its most precious asset: the bodies and minds of our future leaders. Those of you who may be younger will at the least realize that a heightened sense of safety and security around the castle will not only allow everyone to sleep better at night, but it will also pre-empt any future warnings from your professors, such as orders to 'do not die.'"
Gevrik's beetle-like eyes glittered for a moment with amusement as he cracked a smile, and then he continued onward in a most amicable tone.
"Perhaps some of your good, safe choices this year will lead to good rewards, not only for you, your professors or your house-mates, but perhaps also for the betterment of all mankind. The times are changing swiftly and as the Headmaster said, I can only ask that you lend me your ears and remain open-minded this school year, for you will all find that I am not your typical dose of Ministry intervention."
No, Ikenna Gevrik could be something much more sinister...but he did not drop the smile from his face or the friendliness in his tone...yet.
"Again, I appreciate Hogwarts opening its doors to me and I can only hope that you will all also open your minds and hearts, for I hold the safety and security of us all very dear in mine."
He bowed his head once more to signify the end of his speech and then smoothly slid back down into his seat.
Now the weird man was getting up. Mr Ikea or something the man was. People were clapping for him? Why? Did they even know who was? What if he was going to kill them all with his wand? Daniel was more cautious then that. He just sat there listening.
Flooding school and underground fighting club. Daniel had heard about those from his brother. But was exactly would this man have done about a flood? Drink up the water to make it safe?
Ministry. Should have known. Daniel disregarded the rest of the speech. They ministry couldn't stop interfering could they? Just had to interfere. That Cooper and Belle schools had been hell or so he had heard. This was going to be a tough term. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Winston blinked at the impolite girl. What kind of a question was that? "I'm a first year," Winston said. Uh-oh. Hopefully he hadn't just told off a third year or something. That'd be bad.
"Erm...thank you, I suppose," he added, slightly confused. He was a first year. He didn't look that far ahead. He had barely even thought about the first day of classes. And just now, when the headmaster stood up, had he even realized there would be a speech. Reminded of the oddly laid-back girl from earlier, Winston gave her a bewildered look. "Well, yes, I'm nervous," he said simply after a pause for consideration. Who wouldn't be? Winston shrugged about the ceiling. He, too, had never seen anything like it. It was magnificent, but he was fairly certain they had established that. They'd also decided that it was a fine piece of magic, or at least Winston had, so he said nothing more on the topic of the ceiling.
"I did not meet anybody on the train," Winston said slowly. Oh. Was that why people sat in compartments with others? To meet people and become acquainted before the feast? Hmm. He had not realized. Thoughts of Mr Ikea were whisked away by the appearance of food. Daniel was so hungry. He helped himself to roast potatoes and a chicken leg.
As he was chewing his chicken Daniel noticed a boy just sitting there not eating. He looked over and asked "Why you not eating?"
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