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sarahkbarrett Ellie nodded with a smile. What in the world would she do without friends?
She smiled while Fee blushed. It really was adorable! But then she frowned. Oohh, ex trouble. "Oh... I'm sorry." She said. "Well, anything you want to talk about?" She offered. She didn't mind talking about "love life" trouble or anything. "But no pressure if you don't want to" She smiled. Fee was her friend; if she could help her in any way, she would.
She raised her eyebrows. She was caught. The way you look at him betrays you. Fee had said. Oh sweeeet potato pie, she wasn't kidding was she?! She leaned forward to the blonde. "Seriously?" She whispered loudly. Shame on her feelings for having no self control! Even though Fee said people were blind to it... Was he? "What about... Alex?" She asked still a little hunched forward and whispering. "Do you think he can... y'know, tell?" Sigh, there was no hiding it from Fee anymore. If she lied about her feelings, Detective Fee would know in an instant.
Ellie laughed. "Oh, right. Slytherin? The innocent ones?" she joked. What a joooke. No one was ever innocent when it came to Quidditch. The Quidditch Pitch should have been named the Battle Feild of Anger and Terror. Hmm, suiting name. [/proud]
It was so sweet how Ellie offered to talk about Edmond but she needed to get done with him.He wasnt coming back. Never. The time to cry about it was over
."I really appreciate that",the blonde smiled,
"you know if you have something you want to talk about i will be there."What were friends for?!Fee couldnt stand seeing her friends sad and always tried to help them the best she could.
The Slytherin giggled when Ellie leaned forward.She was just sooo incredebly cute when it came to Alex.When would they see how perfect thex were for eachother?
!"I dont think he can tell",she shook her head,
"guys are always blond to things like this."That was sooo annyoing,how much more obvious could it get?!Someone needed to make the first move."
Dont worry about it",the girl winked at her friend,"
oh and i am going to throw a party when you get together."That would be sooo fun.
"Ohh yeeess cant you see how innocent i am?",Fee laughed making her best puppy face.Maybe she wasnt all innocent, but would she tell.Nooo. Of course the girl would fight to get into the Quidditch team no matter what but still she wouldnt hurt anyone badly.That was just not her.