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Oh, right, the woman.
"I am Chad Stryker. I have been hired to take up the Groundskeeping position. It is wonderful to meet you, Mademoiselle Lafay." Now he was confused, though. "Wait...is there a tournament this year? Oh...non?"
"No... It was the triwizard tounament... Last term." She said and shook her head. "I thought you were someone else..." Groundskeeper? Then who was the dirt covered man? "Please... call me Hecate." She said cringing inside at the Mademoiselle Lafay... "Hecate, or if you must, Potions Mistress." She said with a nod. "Chad Stryker you say..." where had she heard that name? "I'm sure I heard that name before..."
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His attention was caught by Hecate as she whispered at him.
Truebridge met her comment with silence and then once again pushed his sunglasses up into his hair, meeting the woman's eyes.
"I'm pleased to know that you are building on the foundations I established with the Slytherins, Hecate. More than you know." As long as they were doing well, as long as they were strong, living up to their skills, their ambitions, as long as they were happy, then he was content.
"They can learn much from you."
"As you did," she said. She'd been his prefect and head girl after all.
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Reaching the staff table, he couldn't help but smile at the familiar faces. Lafay was first, and despite his rough relationship with the woman in the past, a new year required a fresh start. And an apology, but that could wait. Instead he managed as best of a polite nod as he could. "Professor Lafay."
Hecate looked at the boy and merely said "Dakest." No title. The boy had a lot to do to get into her graces. She nearly chocked on her water when the boy greeted Max.
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Max just grinned. He knew that no woman liked to be referred to as 'ol' girl'. "Soooo... you're still together. That's good... very good! Why, I thought the two of you would've made it official by now."
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"Made what official?"
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"You mean you two aren't...?"
Vindictus paused and shook his head.
"Have the two of you discussed any, ahem, future plans?" he asked all the while playing with the thick band of gold on his left ring finger.
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Future plans though, "Yes." Ethan paused. "Next saturday, we're going over to the reservation. Theres a Horntail due to give Birth and Annie wants to see."
Oh, for Merlin's sakes! Truebridge was like a wall. "He means have you proposed marriage!" Daft. The man may have been a brilliant professor, but he was completely daft. Whoever this Annie was, she should count her lucky stars he had yet to propose. Why would you want to be married to someone that... daft!
Originally Posted by Filthy Man
Hearing a voice, Charlie replaced his glasses, and looked, rather quizzically in the direction it had come from.
"If that means he won't show up around me again, I think I'm ok with that, Miss."
Well she may as well introduce herself. "I'm Potions Mistress and Head of House Hecate Lafay..." not miss... "and you are...?" Other than filthy...
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Jake REALLY couldn't help it. He stood up as soon as Ikea sat down, and this time he kept his glasses on. The man had a way of catching his eye, and Jake did eye contact better from behind sunglasses.
"You forgot the dead kids," he added boldly, coming to a halt where he'd stopped before. Why did everyone ALWAYS forget the dead kids? There had been like four in all the time Jake had attended the school. "And sir... no offence or anything, but except for the deaths, which I take the blame for-" well... he had been weak, not fighting that stupid French man who possessed him "-Hogwarts school has always been able to deal with anything in its way." Cue another look over at Tate and Truebridge. Kazi would get one too if he was here.
"I believe there was a Tournament last year... nothing went wrong there. Year before; nothing. So, quite frankly, I don't understand why you're currently here. Two years late."
His tone of voice was the epitome of expressionlessness. He genuinely was not being rude... he was just rather confused.
"The logic evades me."
Oh... and what was that Tate had said about being rude?
Morgan!" She said angrily. "I said return. To your. Seat." She replied... She had a half a mind to threaten him with letting his father know of his behavior, or getting Moretti involved... but she didn't know how that would pan out. "The headmaster has also instructed you not to be rude to our guest. Now, get back to your table, or not only will I deduct 20 points, but I will personally escort you back."