Alice sat for a while, sipping water and thinking about the mysterious man’s speech, well not that he was so mysterious anymore. He was 'Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School.' She was a little shocked to hear about the school’s history though, 'a flooding school to an underground fight club' he had said, well to be honest she could think of worse things to happen in a school but they did sound rather dangerous. What she really wanted to know was what he meant by our 'good, safe choices this year’ will lead to rewards and the betterment of mankind? They were just students, how could their actions and choices help mankind? Well she didn’t entirely trust this man but Alice decided to go by that old muggle phrase and not judge this book by his cover, he might look a little...creepy but who knows it could be like so many mystery stories she had read were the bad guy we all suspected throughout the story actually turned out to be a good guy. Then a thought dawned on her, he hadn’t said anything about protecting the castle, he was here for security but who or what was he supposed to be protecting us from? All he had mentioned so far were the bad things that had happened inside Hogwarts, so what, was the Ministry trying to protect us from ourselves now or something? This whole situation was just very very odd.