Thread: Staff Table
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Old 01-04-2011, 06:29 AM   #132 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amur Neverwinter
Fourth Year
Default My deepest, sincere apologies if I jumped the gun :S
~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~

SPOILER!!: Tatertot, Ikenna, Truebridge, Hectate, Vindictus:)
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"Excellent advice, Mister Gevrik," Tate gave the man an oddly formal bow before he rose lazily from his own seat. He swept out his hands for silence, enjoying the way students stopped chattering at his gesture.

You see that, Lafay? If he was just a figurehead, they wouldn't acknowledge him. These students weren't idiot pawns to be played in someone else's game.

"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."

Always always... do not die.

"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."

And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik View Post
As a masterful, focused man often does, Ikenna ignored those around him still trying to address him and waited for Casey Tate's introduction. He stiffly returned the 'bow', or whatever that awkward jerking was, and then turned out toward the students.

"Thank you for that welcome, Headmaster Tate. I am, as he said, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School." He extended a warm smile toward the assembled students and bowed in their direction as well, though at the same time he swept his arms out, he also cast a nonverbal sticking charm at Vindictus' hands in mid-clap.

With the clapping stopped and a dead silence in the Hall, Ikenna straightened back up with a genuinely friendly expression.

"Those of you who can recall events of the past, from a flooding school to an underground fight club, will find it easy to see why the Ministry of Magic has concerns about security around its most precious asset: the bodies and minds of our future leaders. Those of you who may be younger will at the least realize that a heightened sense of safety and security around the castle will not only allow everyone to sleep better at night, but it will also pre-empt any future warnings from your professors, such as orders to 'do not die.'"

Gevrik's beetle-like eyes glittered for a moment with amusement as he cracked a smile, and then he continued onward in a most amicable tone.

"Perhaps some of your good, safe choices this year will lead to good rewards, not only for you, your professors or your house-mates, but perhaps also for the betterment of all mankind. The times are changing swiftly and as the Headmaster said, I can only ask that you lend me your ears and remain open-minded this school year, for you will all find that I am not your typical dose of Ministry intervention."

No, Ikenna Gevrik could be something much more sinister...but he did not drop the smile from his face or the friendliness in his tone...yet.

"Again, I appreciate Hogwarts opening its doors to me and I can only hope that you will all also open your minds and hearts, for I hold the safety and security of us all very dear in mine."

He bowed his head once more to signify the end of his speech and then smoothly slid back down into his seat.
Originally Posted by Droo View Post
She simply nodded at the Headmaster. She wasn't going to let his words affect her. She was keeping an eye at the table, even if she didn't need to. She had a great pair of prefects, a wonderful head girl, and a talented quidditch captain. We may be moving into positions beyond expectations, but he couldn't say she wasn't doing a fine job. Both years she was Head of House, both years, Slytherin got the house cup.

She whispered to Truebridge, "They are doing great you know. My snakes. And I don't even need to deduct 50 points from the lot of them at the feast to make them behave..."

... famous last words...
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater View Post

While the Garlic man was speaking, Max turned to Ethan and Hecate. "Can one of you please undo the spell that the stupid git just cast?" he asked in a low voice.
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes View Post
Special Security Liason? Overhearing that, Ethan Truebridge frowned slightly.

Why, after so many years of trouble, was the ministry only JUST getting around to something like that? Especially since, at least to his knowledge, the past few terms had been relatively peaceful. Did this have something to do with the Quidditch Pitches?

"Ike..." Ethan half murmured a repetition and thought about it seriously. No. he hadn't said that but...

"I like Garlic." Truebridge commented quietly, eyes flicking to Tate from behind his stunna shades.

Easy, man.

Tate's speech answered a lot of questions he had about the strange happenings at the staff table and the ministry member, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik's (if one was to be formal) addition only furthered the understanding. At the same time, there were a lot of shadows being cast about, segmenting parts of Hogwarts from the student's eyes. It was in the strange repressed authority that seemed to come from Tate and the presence of this new man that most of them were cast. And he didn't like it. Not one bit. But Tate had asked them to make this man at home, and while he couldn't bring himself to just welcome him with open arms as Mr. Gevrik requested, he could make an introduction and a point. He just had to keep in mind what he had learned all these years and lock his tongue on some choice words.

Reaching the staff table, he couldn't help but smile at the familiar faces. Lafay was first, and despite his rough relationship with the woman in the past, a new year required a fresh start. And an apology, but that could wait. Instead he managed as best of a polite nod as he could. "Professor Lafay."

Unable to think of much else to say to here at the moment, he turned his attention to the next staff member. Truebridge, to whom he gave a polite nod of the head. It had been a while since he had seen the man, but he wouldn't forget the one that saved him from Huxely's fireballs. "Professor Truebridge. It's wonderful to see you at Hogwarts again this year."

His eyes went to Vindictus and he had to repress the urge to blatantly comment on the change in the Deputy's position. Carefully was okay, provided he could manage to portray his honest disapproval of the whole rearrangement without outright insulting the ministry official. "Professor Vindictus, always an honor to be in the presence of a man who does not base his self-image upon iconic perception." Right handed chairs were overrated; or at least in this case they were.

While Tate was next and he offered the man a small smile, he didn't address him just yet. Best for last, or most honorable for last. Plus, one never knew how much the ministry took offence to not being greeted first. So instead he turned his eyes to Ikenna, considering the man for a moment before extending his hand in greeting. "Sir. Sabel Dakest. I just wanted to extend a welcome to Hogwarts, and to assure you that we will keep an open mind and open hearts to the protection of this school and its members. We honor your interest in observing the dedication that the students and staff of this school have in protecting one another. Perhaps you will be able to return to the Ministry with some inspiration. Until that time, we will be glad to shuffle down one seat for you and misplace our elbow space to make room for you to join us." May as well add in a polite bow of the head to top things off before returning to give a more respectful and deep nod to Tate.

"Headmaster." There wasn't much more he needed to say right away to indicate how relieved he was that Tate was still at the school and still running things. It also didn't serve to hide his underlying worry for the current situation, but that was a talk for another time. "...Welcome back."
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________

_______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.

Last edited by Tazenhani; 01-04-2011 at 06:52 AM.
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