Thread: Staff Table
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:48 AM   #114 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Droo View Post
"Oh, Headmaster, isn't that the way you came to Hogwarts? As a glorified babysitter?" She smiled at him, "Look where it got you..." She may have to watch her step around Truebridge, but Tate should be worried about his job around Ikenna...
Keep smirking, Lafay. The governors could keep her here, but they didn't have to keep her as Head of House or in the position she currently enjoyed.

"I guess we're all moving up into positions beyond our own expectations, Professor. I would ask you to mind your house and not my business, though." They typically required more attention than he did from the woman.

Originally Posted by Con_Stripes View Post
"Yes. She's... she's well." Zan answered quietly. Hmm. Was it just him or was Gaellen Tate just a little put out by their 'security' guest?

Yeah he was getting just a touch better at reading the man.
"Well. Send her my love. And Cari's." That should get the woman's dander up, even if it was well intentioned. She didn't want love or anything else from Caroline.

"And... keep your eyes open. Join Max and I for drinks later."

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
"Thank you," Jake said simply, before adding with the slightest curiosity, "With all due respect, sir, I wouldn't address all the staff as 'sir'."

The boy looked to Lafay and then to Welton and then gave a glance at the other female staff, being genuinely sincere and NOT a smart alek.


"You didn't answer my question," Jake said quickly and without really thinking. He had no idea what was happening, the dude would need to spell it out... Jake did not understand tones of voice, even warning tones, and he didn't do reading between the lin-

"Sir," Jake added under his breath to himself. Had to be 'polite', he supposed.
"I think my point was made, Mr. Upstead, regardless of semantics. But you're being unaccountably rude, and now it is time to return to your seat. I'm sure you are free to visit me after the feast if required."

Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik View Post
Perhaps the ones dressed in yellow were a nervous lot, Ikenna noted. They certainly weren't the 'brainy' group.

"Not just a member of security," he corrected Jake in a slow, warning tone. No, he was not the deputy headmaster either. Keep going, boy, you'll get there.

Now why did they need security? Gevrik didn't seem to blink or move his head yet he knew precisely who the Hufflepuff was looking toward, and that small movement made him smirk.

Ethan Alexander Truebridge would have his turn.

For now, he still had to deal with the less-mature children at the table. Surprisingly, they were the ones allowed to sit there.

"Tate," Ikenna would not give Gaellen 'Casey' Tate his respect until the man actually earned it. "is correct, Jake Upstead...Lawson...Morgan? Take a moment to think upon why Hogwarts might need an upgrade...or security."

He finally turned his head to glare squarely at Tate's profile. "Mr. Gevrik, actually. I would appreciate it if you introduced me correctly." That would included NOT pronouncing his name as Garlic.


Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.

"Since a few of you seem to be...confused at the moment, I think it would be best if everyone calmly returned to their seats and refrained from saying anything they will regret later."

He stood up next to Tate. "It's time for the speech."
"Excellent advice, Mister Gevrik," Tate gave the man an oddly formal bow before he rose lazily from his own seat. He swept out his hands for silence, enjoying the way students stopped chattering at his gesture.

You see that, Lafay? If he was just a figurehead, they wouldn't acknowledge him. These students weren't idiot pawns to be played in someone else's game.

"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."

Always always... do not die.

"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."

And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
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