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"She changes into a rabbit, brown with white spots over the leg," she said eagerly.
"I don't know too much about it, she wouldn't say really. i think she thought I'd try to do it myself and make a mess of things. As if. I hear it's really hard and can go terribly wrong."
That momentarily took the wind out of her sails. "Well....I guess it won't learn how anytime soon. but it's great to dream, right?"
Alice nodded enthusiastically as she answered, "
Oh defiantly! And I imagine becoming an Animagi is worth the work, it would be a very interesting power to have. But no i wouldn’t try it by yourself, I’ve seen some pretty bad things happen to people who didn’t know magic very well, it isn’t pretty" Quote:
Originally Posted by
"Yeah," Selina answered, "I am. Gryffindor first year, obviously. The robes give it away. Um, yeah. So sorry about interrupting your conversation. I guess I am really into the mistreatment of creatures. Speaking of I was wondering where do you stand on the House Elf treatment?"
She knew they had just met, but someone else agreed with her views on creature cruelity. Alice was probably the only one. And any chance to talk Selina took.
Alice thought for a few moments, where did she stand on House elf treatment? "
Well, that is a tricky one. They really do seem happy to do the work, most of the time if there masters set them free they go a bit… Odd because they have nothing to do anymore. But i do think it’s wrong that people treat them so poorly, if they want to do the work that would be fine but they should be paid like any other housekeeper"