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Max overheard the stranger state his name to Jake and he turned slightly in his chair so that his back was towards the Ministry employee.
"Did he just say his name was Ikea Garlic?" he snickered in a low voice to Ethan but it was loud enough for only Tate and Lafay to overhear. "No wonder he's angry at the world."
She smirked at the name. "I don't think he's angry... I think Mr. Gevrik has quite the smile." She said.
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Chad looked into his glass. Hmmm, it was empty and the pitcher was away from him slightly. This involved talking to people, didn't it? Oh well, better time than ever!
"Mmm, Mademoiselle?" He leaned around one woman, in order to address the next one. Unfortunately, he didn't know her name, though he could swear she was like...Head of something.
She turned to the man and then looked at Tate again, then back at the man... "No one told me we were having another tournament..." Why else would there be a french man here. "But it is nice to make your aquantance."
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"Hurt?" He glanced at Lafay. "I don't hurt anyone intentionally, Hecate."
But the Slytherin side of his brain pointed out that accidents, oh so unfortunately, happened.
Hmm? A glorified babysitter? She had a point there.
He was going there...
"No. You do not." And dropped it there, now in her mind she was thinking of saying,
You're the one who abandons ship and leaves the students who she was such a danger to at her mercy. She smirked.
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Ikenna Gevrik
Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.
She smiled at Ikenna. "Mr. Gevrik, welcome to Hogwarts. If there is anything I can do for you, please... let me know." She smiled. Maybe he was here because Ethan was back... he was an ex-convict...
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[B]"It's Morgan," Jake nodded and spoke sharply. Did he really need reminding of the summer? Meanwhile, Jake looked back to Ikea for his answer.
"Morgan. Back to your seat, the Headmaster is giving his speech." She said pointing to the Hufflepuff table.