Originally Posted by
She was second.
"Thank you, if you truly mean that welcome, Hecate." Ethan pushed his sunglasses up into his hair, and watched her seriously, his hazel-green eyes calm and detached.
"I am hurt, Ethan, that you would think I wouldn't mean it." She said to him... She'd meant it the first time.
Originally Posted by
Ikenna Gevrik
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
One eyebrow slowly raised in question as Ikenna's gaze locked on Jake's. "And you are..?"
Hmm. A boy with one too many surnames?
Originally Posted by
Jake glanced over at Vindictus, and then at Truebridge again, before looking back at... Ikea or whoever he was.
"Why do we need security?"
"Is that what you are Mister Gevrik," She said with a smirk, pretending not to know the man. "And Master Morgan, is it? Now? Seems to have a good question." She said, "Why DO we need security...?"
Originally Posted by
"Sent by the Ministry to be a glorified babysitter? Call it what you want... that's a Ministry employee. I'm not paying you and nothing I ask of you will direct you one way or the other."
Tate shoved back from the table a bit more violently than he intended and glanced at the professors who were chatting amicably. What was the matter with this lot? Didn't they care at all about what was going on in the world?
"Oh, Headmaster, isn't that the way you came to Hogwarts? As a glorified babysitter?" She smiled at him, "Look where it got you..." She may have to watch her step around Truebridge, but Tate should be worried about his job around Ikenna...