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Mr.Potter, I know you think it would be helping, but really you would be destroying evidence-I'm still trying to piece this all together!

They need to learn to live with one and other! Its not good having an ex who hates you. take it from someone who knows

Well, would you like to be friends with someone who allegedly cheated on you and broke your heart? She at least needs some time...
Aww that is so sad

I feel so sorry for her

I hope there is another reunion so they can at least talk!
No promises
I think it didn't really give too much away and now I can't think at all! Emily, could we please have another post soon *smiles sweetly and bats eyelashes*

Maybe after I finish my post for Abi and post on BB&B
I feel sorry for both Ruthie and Scorpious cause none of them really know the story.
How do you know it's not the rel story?
But I personally think that whoever did send those letters should be executed...OMG! Is it JAMES! We can't execute him! ... sorry that just came to me there...Or has Draco found out....ok I have to stop this, sorry.
Like I would tell you!
PAMS Emily! It was a super post, but you've still got me thinking.
I still do not have anymore leads in the case.
Thanks, Sophie

And Happy New Year to you, too!
Originally Posted by
Wow. That was breathtaking. This is definitely my favorite fanfic(I get way to into this story) anyways, that was really great(: good job!
Awe, thank you; that means a lot to me
Originally Posted by
*cough* Pansy's daughter *cough*
Sorry, bad cough.
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Hello Emily. I'm having a problem sorting things out here. It doesn't help that I asked for a new thinking cap for Christmas, and sense there was no thinking cap under the tree for me, I just have to make due with the old worn out one I've been using. Sense Sophie is working one angle, I'll work another. Maybe it is a jealous cousin. Surely Rose wouldn't stoop to such despicable levels to get Scorpius. Nah never mind that theory. Out the door with it. Ummm I'm thinking that it is a female that wrote the letter to Scorpius, because most boys handwriting is atrocious, and usually girls have pretty neat handwriting by that age. Emily, I'm just going to wait for the next post. I'll be trying to mend my aged thinking cap between now and the next post.

I shall give you no clues.
Great one Emily. I'll be watching for your next.
Thanks, Connie
Originally Posted by
My thinking cap doesn't work because I don't have much common sense so I'll just say great post!!

Thanks, Katie
Sophie and Connie can work together on the case and Ruby85(can't remember your name, sorry) has a good guess..

And it's Sarah-Jane
Loving your work Ems!!!!
Thanks, Katie