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Faustus, Faustus, Faustus... "No, doesn't ring a bell." Eino said and searched the table for something to eat. There was chicken, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetables, but he opted for an apple instead, he wanted a very light dinner and would spend more effort on eating in the morning. Yes, he would have the breakfast of champions. "FAUSTUS!" Eino shouted suddenly. "Where is he?!" He looked everywhere: the top of the table, the benches, under the table, Hugo's pocket's, but Faustus was no where to be found. "I don't know where he is!!" Eino began to panic. This was his lifelong (two months, to be exact) research project and beloved pet, and now it was lost. Last time he remembered having Fautus was in the train, but not after that.
She's walking up to me? She is sitting down next to me? Now she's staring, why is she staring!? Eino began to sweat, he was quite nervous. He rarely talked to strangers, but he should be used to it by now since it had happened about a million times ever since he came to Hogwarts, but he was still very uncomfortable. "H-h-hi." Eino finally said with his voice trembling. He took another sip of water hoping it would help him become a little calmer but all he did was spill some of the water on his robes, which made him more nervous and embarrassed. "I-I'm... uh, M-m-my n-ame, ummm, is Eino." He said breaking the world record for taking the longest time to speak the shortest sentence.
Wow was he sweating??? Did she seem that Intimadating to him or did he just think she was ugl or something. She would have to check her apperance in a moment to make sure. She watched as he Struggling to speak to her. He must not have noticed her House Colors she was a hufflepuff after all. They were know to be gentle... unless provoked

. She smiled politley waiting for him to get everything out and was just about to introduce herself also when he took a drink again. Wow he was thirsty.
He wasted a bit of water on him from his drink and she knew he wouldnt be comfortable after that. She needed to help him. Yes that what she would do. As he told her his name she pulled out her wand and although she didnt directly point it at him it was visable for him to see while she thought of the drying spell. After about 10 long Seconds of not being able to think of it she put her wand away as if nothing happened and smiled sweetly at him.
"Hello Eino. Its a pleasure to meet you. Im Brittany Lee second year Hufflepuff. what year are you in?" she asked taking back to staring at him again. He must have thought she was odd But she wasnt she just wanted to be friendly