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alohomora♥ Jacqueline noticed Fee and she stood up quickly. ''Oh hi Fee! God, I missed you!''she hugged her. '' I'm chilling here with Alex! And you? Haven't seen you in the train. Oh I feel a bit hungry now. I can feel the smell of my favorite pie.....YUM!'' she giggled. It was so nice to see Fee again. She looked amaizng as aways.
Awww Jacky was soo cute, really.She always made Fee smile.Cutie pie.Total cutie pie
."I missed you too",she smiled hugging her friend back.Even though they had seen eachother back in Diagon Alley,the blonde was glad to be back at Hogwarts and see her a lot more.Hogwarts reunited them.
"Ohh with Alex?",the girl chuckled
,"so how come you know my best friend?"It was kinda funny how huge yet so small Hogwarts was.
"I knoow where ahve ypu been all the time?",the Slythie asked her friend.Weird how so many people seemed as if they had hidden somewhere."
Ohh your fave pie?",the blonde asked curious
",what is it?"Smelling the food made the girl hungry too, the headmaster should better hurry with his speech.
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"Thanks, Fee! Now it's official. I'm a Hogwarts student." It hit her. She was a Hogwarts student. The next seven years of her life she would be among all of the people who she would spend tonight with. Her dorm mates would be her roommates for the next seven years. And what she did in her house would define the rest of her life. It was somewhat daunting.
Returning to her previous question Selina grew excited. Quidditch was her passion. Her entire family for generations had been playing on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. More interesting yet every female of her family had been Captain, although some of the men were too.
What should she say about Quidditch? There was so much to say. She grew up with it. Finally answering she said, "I've been flying since I was two. My Dad is a Chaser for the Fowlmouth Falcons and my cousin, Harry Brown, is a seeker for the Kenmare Kestrals. so I guess you could say it's in my blood. All I do is practice and I'm going to out work everyone to prove I deserve that spot. You can ask Adam, I am dedicated to that sport like no other."
It was true. All summer long she was running drills with her Dad on their Quidditch Pitch. From early in the morning until late at night. She was serious about it.
"So what is your favorite class here?"
"You are welcome Selina",Fee smiled hugging her friend,
"now the party can begin."Sadly Sel wouldnt be able to be at the famous Slytherin common room parties.That was a pity.But then again, Fee could always male something up for all of them. How sad they didnt know eachother before summer, Freya's,Cass' and her party at the Ice cream parlor had been insanly cool.
"And you got into the house you wanted, i am soo proud."Nothing better than that, really.
Ohhh Selina really seemed to have a Quidditch family.They all seemed so talented, how cool was that?!"
Ohhh already practised with Adam?",the blonde asked.Even though he would never admit it, wasnt Adam afraid of heights just a little? Hehe.
"I really want to get into the team",she nodded,
"but then again how embarrassing would it be if i wouldnt make it at the try outs?"Noot good at all.But there was no one she would chicken out. Not Feenella Schwarzberg."
Iam sure you will make it",the girl winked at her friend.Oh, they would play against eahother then.Fun times.
Mhh what was her fave class here?nThere were many coo, subjects, some of them were just stupid.But every school had usless subjects,right?!"
I would say Ancient runes and Divination",the blonde told Selina,"
even though there are a lot of insanlel good ones."DADA and Charms for example, or Transfiguaration or Flying.Except COMC and Herbology Fee liked every subject. Well potions...ermm.. that was Lafay's fault.