Thread: Staff Table
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Old 01-03-2011, 08:22 AM   #68 (permalink)

Crumple-Horned Snorkack
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Giselle Barrington
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Teagan Kensington
First Year
x5 x3
Default *shakes head* And this might be my only post tonight. *pokes work tomorrow*
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi's face turned beet red and her now free hands flew to her cheeks, then to her mouth as she tried to cover her gapping expression. Oh dear, she had made a mistake. She felt like hiding under the table and not coming out until the feast was over, but that would probably be even more embarrassing for her than how she was feeling right now. "P-P-P-Professor Bishop!" she squeaked with a deep bow. "I'm" bow "so" bow "so" bow "sorry." And a few more bows. Sure, she had been polite when meeting Professor Bishop at Fortescue's, but had she been professor polite or just new person polite? Oh, if her mother were here right now... "I-I-I-It is very nice to meet you. Well, meet you again. I mean, erm, I'm so sorry." Kurumi was overly flustered now. Clearly, this professor was not upset with her for the mistake she had made so she should feel too bad, but Kurumi was taking it upon herself to punish herself. "I am looking forward to your lessons," she said still bowing, but at least now she had stopped and was staying at a perfect 90 degrees.
Renée felt sympathy towards the girl as she turned beet red at the correction. Even as her eyes widened as she started almsot manically bowing. It was almost frightening, especially as she hadn't so much been offended as amused by the whole situation. "Really, there's no need to worry," she said, rising slightly out of her seat as she reached a hand out to the girl. Whether in comfort or to stop her from hurting herself was in question, though. She had a weird thought that the girl was nearly acting like a disobedient house elf, which made her worry what would happen. "It's nice to meet you, too. Again. Officially, rather," she said with a friendly smile. trying to relax Miss Hollingberry. "I'm glad to hear that, and once again, you've done an amazing job on the cookies,," she complimented. Hoping the almost stationary bow would stop soon, and glancing at the others seated at the table for assistance. Anything would help.

Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder View Post
Aaron approached the staff table for two reasons. One... To say hello to his new favorite professors, Professor Vindictus and his head of house whom he was eternally grateful of for granting Aaron his position. That was one reason. The other, was because he noticed a new professor. Not professors getting moved around, but a new one. He approached the new teacher first.

She was beautiful... Well, Aaron hoped she knew that WASN'T the reason why he was up there."Hello, ma'am," the boy started. "I am Aaron Anderson, Slytherin Quidditch Captain. Welcome to Hogwarts." He offered the woman a welcoming smile, hoping she wouldn't think he was... um... foolish?
Hmmm, not exactly what Renée'd expected, as yet another student approached the table and seemed to want to start with her. As the boy spoke, she turned from Miss Hollingberry to lok at him with a smile, slightly questioning look in her dark eyes, although there was a bit of amusement once she actually looked at him. "Well it's very nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson, and thank you for the welcome," she replied. "It's very kind of you. I'm Professor Bishop." She found it oddly curious that he was a Slytherin, really. Even though she had nothing against the house, she still remembered it as a bit less of the, well, friendly houses. She disliked stereotypes, but even she still held on to some of them. And the unsaid compliment really was amusing, and flattering.

Originally Posted by Maxilocks View Post
Could he, now? Jared's green eyes asked as much. He supposed every person could be biased now and then, and no harm come of it. Feeling it unnecessary to further broach the subject, he let it drop easily, only nodding in acknowledgement of Renée's statement.

"That sounds wonderful. If I happen to be in France at that time -" he highly doubted that and the thought displeased him because, of course, it reminded him how less often he stayed in France now - "It'd be a pleasure to show you around." It was the polite thing to say but Jared couldn't consider it just a formality since it was a pleasure to show off one's real home. "Supposing, of course, that that's okay with you." He gave her a good-natured little smile as he momentarily returned his attention to his food.

"That's something we have in common, then." Lazy grin. It frustrated a lot of the people he knew, how little frustrated him. Then again, the things that did frustrate him, frustrated him pretty terribly. Injustice. Discrimination. He shook the thoughts off. "At any rate, I suppose no harm can come out of giving it a try." Channelled differently... Jared thought about that, and then smiled ever so slightly. "If you look at it from that perspective, it makes a lot of sense." He sounded faintly surprised at his own statement because he'd never thought of Divination like that before.

Glancing back at Jared, Renée's eyes glinted a little in amusement as she managed to catch the tiniest bit of anything from him. A chink in the armor, it seemed, but she let him drop the subject easily. Just because she found it intriguing didn't mean she wouldn't let it drop. For now.She smiled again, though, as he spoke of France. "That sounds like a lovely idea," she said, brushing off his deprecation a little. "I'm sure you could show me more than I could find on my own, even if I imagine we've had different reasons for being there in the past," she added, going back to her slightly playful aspect of the conversation. It would almost be too bad if she happened to visit when he was elsewhere. The whole almost opposites thing they seemed to have going was too interesting.

"That's good to know," she replied with a laugh. Challenges were so much better than people who folded easily. Her mood turned a bit more curious, though, as momentarily he seemed distracted by thoughts. Thoughts she chose not to see if she could see, just letting him have that for a bit. She could respect privacy, especially as she hoped people would return it. "Of course not," she responded. Trying to teach him a bit of Divination could be fun. Challenging, and something told her he might try to switch things up on her. She paused in her thoughts as he replied to her theory on Seers, however. "Sometimes a change in persepctive is all you need," she said simply, a half-smile creeping back onto her face at the almost surprised tone in his voice. It seemed she was already teaching him a little.

Text Cut: O disappointed ones + Lily to the rescue
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Oh, but Treyen had totally forgotten he was leading Ellie to the Staff table, because, in all fairness, he'd lost the feel on his hand, and most of him, at the sight of the most beautiful person in the table, and the room.

Healer Moretti. Of course.

And he was smiling, too, who wouldn't? Right?

It wasn't until he heard the awful, awful words that someone else said that he got back to reality. He frowned, instantly, because he couldn't believe that this other woman had managed to link this moment to Moretti. He...hated that.

'Your new Divination professor'.

He hated that even more.

Treyen was now feeling Ellie's hand in his, and he dropped it. Didn't want to have that connected to the newly appointed Divination Professor either.

Truth be told, he was feeling quite nervous, and disappointed, and empty again, because Kingsley was not here yet. "You are?" he said, after glancing down to Kurumi. There was a fake hint of curiosity. He'd already heard she was.

"I guess you're the one that should know that you have some BIG shoes to fill," he said, in a very serious tone, and he actually wondered why had he asked Ellie to come along. And, the woman that had taken Nolan's place, by force, probably, did have some MAJORLY BIG shoes to fill. Seriously. Like, Siriusly.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Ellie let her hand fall to her side when they'd gotten to where they were going. Which had ended up being the Staff Table. And the lady sitting in Reyn's seat. Great. She hadn't had anything planned. What was she to do?


It was all good, though, because Treyen had spoken first. That was pretty good, actually. Totally what Ellie would've said herself. Because this...Bishop was her name? Like a chess piece? SNORT. Still, the fact that she really was the Divination professor exterminated all hope that there was a mistake. That Reyn's seat had just moved.


Ellie almost didn't want to look at her. She didn't like her. At all. "I don't think she can fill them," she audibly whispered to Treyen. Yeah, she'd wanted Bishop to hear, too.

And now that she'd gotten started, "I bet you don't even know or care about what you've done." This was all directed at the woman now. "You shouldn't have taken Reyn away." Because it was her fault. At least, Ellie'd make her think she thought so. She needn't know about Ginger. Ellie wiped under her eyes again.
Originally Posted by Colley ♥ View Post
Incorrigible? The man probably had a point. A point that Lilyan only enforced, as she gave a salute and settled back into her chair again. Managing only a few giggles, she allowed her gaze to wander over the Hufflepuff table. DID the students need more fiber?

Hmm.. fiber was important to children.

She shifted her gaze once more at the sound of a somewhat accusatory voice. It seemed some of the students were talking the absence of their favorite professors hard, but still, that was no reason to be rude to the new professors. "Miss Stone, surely there is no reason to be so rude." The woman pointed out lightly, kind as always, even when giving a bit of a reprimand.

Be good, child, or we will have to feed you fiber.

Her amusement at the conversation with Jared flickered as Renée heard a quiet question from nearby, and she instinctively knew it was directed towards herself. She hadn't really tuned in, but she knew. Just as she knew what was being questioned, and she turned to the two new students patiently. She knew the question hadn't been so much out of curiosity as out of other things. Being the daughter of an actress, she knew acting when she saw it, and she simply nodded at the statement that had followed. "I assure you, I'm not intending on filling anyone's shoes, Mr. . . .?," she replied to the boy, hinting for a name. "That would mean I'm actually trying to take over. New isn't always bad, you know. Just as change isn't." So far, she thought she was handling it quite well, although the Hufflepuff crest on the boy's uniform made her wonder if the House dynamics had shifted considerably in the last decade.

And that thought took deeper root as she heard the whisper from the redhead with the boy. The Ravenclaw student, and at that she really felt a pang of disappointment. She didn't show it, though, as her dark eyes locked on the girl long enough to really get something. Other than the sadness that was truly emanating from her. "Contrary to your opinion, Miss Stone," she started, before hearing the Healer interject from nearby.

Turning to her new colleague for a moment, she nodded in silent thanks, before responding quietly to the reprimand directed toward the Ravenclaw. "I'm sure she has reason to be disappointed," she said, in a bit of an aside, seding the woman a pleasant smile. It seemed Miss Stone was a bit misdirected in her rudeness, but she was a child. It hadn't gotten too bad yet. She truly was grateful, however. She just also felt that she needed to say something in response.

Going back to the girl, she stayed serious. "I assure you I didn't do anything. I understand you miss Professor Reynolds, and I bet he misses you all as well. But I had nothing to do with him leaving, and neither did I take him away." Miss Stone could continue to believe whatever it was she wanted, although Renée knew the girl knew she wasn't entirely to blame. Possibly, she knew she wasn't to blame at all. "In any case, you should be off enjoying the feast with your friends. You're welcome to take this up with me later, in private, however, if you'd like," she finally added, directing the statement at both students. At least in her office, she could find other ways of distracting them.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero

Last edited by SilverTiger; 01-03-2011 at 08:40 AM. Reason: forgot something
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