Originally Posted by
Cinn-O-Bun Staring intently at the plate in front of him as he was as if that would cause the food to appear, he hadn't paid attention to anyone else until someone was holding out a hand in front of his line of sight. "Oh um...Hi, I'm Ivan." He took her hand with a smile and sighed, "When do we get to eat?" It really was ridiculous. He'd have to take a page out of Miles' book and stock up on stuff though...maybe not chocolate.
Satine smiled her sparkling smile at him and shook his hand back,
"Well, it's great to meet you Ivan! Did you just ge to the Feast?" she asked glancing to see what time it was...it had already been forty five minutes...surely he hadn't just arrived...maybe he got lost?..."
What year are you Ivan?" she asked nicely trying to get the new acquiantance to talk with her.
Just then her stomach growled again, "
Well, they serve the food as soon as the Headmaster gives his welcome speech...which..." it growled again, "
I'm hoping is soon...." she reached in her
purple bang and pulled out a red, blue, green, and rainbow candy, "
Would you like a licorice wand while you wait? These are my absolut faves."