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Lezleighd Satine glanced over and thought she saw the cookie girl from earlier. She leaned towards her and held out hand, "Howzit, I'm Satine Farris, sixth year..well...Ravvie..." she said with pride, "Are you the girl that brought us cookies earlier? If so, they are scrumdiliuptuos! Thanks for thinking about us Claws."
Emily saw Keeley now, and she was talking to another girl. She slid over and introduced herself to the girl "Hello, my name is Emily!" she said smiling, Her wild long blonde hair once again fell into her face and Emily grabbed a paisly scarf and pulled it back from her face. "What is yours?" she asked extending her right hand in greeting. her wrist had silver bangles that matched the ones around her ankles. Her bare feet felt the chill of the stone floor and she smiled kindly. She really wished Emilya was here, but since it had been two years since her death she decided to drag her mind away from that thought and keep it on the pressent situation.
Emily smelled of fresh air, having spent her entire summer in the Gypsy village, and every summer and vacation since third year, the smell seemed to stay with her.