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Ellie laughed. "No, I'm sure you don't have to be bookish." She, for example, almost never opened a book. But she'd like to think she was clever...in some ways.
It was? Mmmmmmm..... Fine, then. Ellie went in for a full hug. As long as Matilda didn't make an appearance inches from her face, she was alright.
Hide and Seek in the castle? That was pure brilliance. "See, Ravenclaw brain right there," she pointed out. About the squid, though, "Supposedly. I've never seen it. We had a class held outside last term, aimed so that we would see it, but we never did."
And she was totally forgetting about the Jacob squabble, now.
She was laughing him! See, he knew he didn't belong here. Even nice Miss Ellie thought it was funny he wasn't bookish. He frowned, and turned to glare at that tatty hat. But then, her tone was reassuring. "
Sure, sure? Because otherwise I'm not sure I belong here... Is it a nice House to be in?"
He relaxed as she hugged him, feeling a bit more at home. Though he was excited to be here, away from his parents and free(ish) to do what he wanted...there was nervousness and uncertainty too, and a bit of homesickness, even if he wouldn't admit it after less than a day away.
"You'd play with me?" he asked, taking that she meant the idea of Hide and Seek, and not his general list of things at Hogwarts. And she hadn't seen the squid? Pout. Though, it didn't mean to say it wasn't there - someone believed it was to put a class on to see it. "We should totally go find it. I knew I should have packed my snorkel..."