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Old 01-03-2011, 12:23 AM   #364 (permalink)
*AiryFairy*'s Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: england
Posts: 132

Natasha thought for a moment. It would probably be mean to say she didnt miss it at all, and unfair because she did miss the country, she just didn't miss her mother and all of the drama that Spain brought.

"I guess..." she decided was an appropriate answer. "The weather was considerably nicer, I have to admit. But I like to spend my time inside anyways. And being born in California and lived in Spain, I dont get to see cold weather often. I'm excited to see snow!" she said animatedly.

Yep Natasha + snow should definitely be interesting...

"Oh snow is fantastic...cold and wet but really fun. Although sometimes when you get weeks and weeks of it you kind of wish you lived somewhere tropical."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
"Thanks," Kurumi smiled deciding to take a seat and chat a bit with one of her new favorite firsties. "So, how was it? Your sorting?" Kurumi could still remember hers like it was yesterday. How nervous she had been, her palms sweating and tears building in her eyes waiting in anticipation as to where the Sorting Hat was going to place her. "Overwhelming, isn't it?"

"Erm it was okay...well actually it was kind of nerve racking. I kept thinking i was going to cry in front of the whole school. I sort of imagined it to be this big amazing moment and that when the hat was placed on my head i would feel well...magical, but to be honest that hat is just plain creepy."
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