Originally Posted by
Jacob sat at the table and stared at the badge for a few seconds, and then around at the students at the table, he felt slightly better. He was Captain of such a great group of people, and he WAS going to lead Ravenclaw to victory this term. He was goin Sudeg to be added to the long line of great captains... yes he will!
Jacob started fiddleing with the badge trying to pin it to his robes. But suddenly something made him jump, and the pin stuck him in the finger... Ouch! Evil Pin. Jacob looked around to see Ellie trying to apologize... No! Jacob finished pinning the badge to his robes and sucked on the bead of blood on his finger. Jacob got up and moved away from her to a more secluded part of the table... Jacob will not accept the apology, but at least he got the satisfaction of knowing that she was wrong.
What?! No "it's okay" or "I understand"? Well FINE then, Jacob, because Ellie will NOT be apologizing twice. She was still doubting it a bit anyway.
Originally Posted by
He was a Ravenclaw? Where the clever people were?
Well...that was a shocker...
Spike scratched his head as he made his way from being sorted to his House table. He frowned underneath his hair, and he muttered himself. About what was anyone's guess, but they would probably get the feeling of disbelief as he spoke. He wasn't thought to be clever, especially by his parents...unruly and boyish with a love of all things creepy crawly or muddy. Studying had never exactly been his thing. Not the behind the desk type. Exploring woods - now that was a completely different matter. Maybe the Sorting Hat appreciated that? Because otherwise Spike really couldn't see why he was here.
"'Lo Ellie," he said, cheeks puffed out in perplexion. Though, he was glad to see her familiar face in his house. And he'd liked her, so least he stood a chance of fitting in even if he wasn't the brainiest. "Apparently I'm a Ravenclaw."
Oh Spike!
"Congratulations kid!" What was that, like, the 4th time she said that tonight?
Ellie managed a smile for Spike's sake, though she was really still thinking about Jacob and as confused as ever. She leaned over to give him a hug...inches from him, though, she remembered the insects on his person. Yeah, not a good idea maybe?
"You'll do great in here." He would be fun to hang out with in the common room. He was a cool kid after all. Unlike Jacob.