Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley
So they weren't in the same house - that didn't mean that they couldn't hang out still, did it? Aimée mentally vowed that she would be spending as much time out of Ravenclaw-y places in order to be able to spend more time with Harley. It would be stupid just to have friends in the same house as her anyways, she decided, so it was a plus that one of the most awesome people she knew wasn't in her house. She grinned at Harley, and then glanced up at the ceiling again. Wooah, how did it get like that?
Oh yeah... magic.
"I don't zink I will get lost," Aimée giggled, tugging at the ends of her plaits. "I know I will!" This place was so much bigger than Beauxbatons, she was almost glad she wasn't one of the tiny first years running around - although being a completely new Fourth year wasn't much better.
Super heros? Aimée laughed at the randomness of Harley's question. "I don't suppose I've ever really thought about it," she mused, smiling to herself. "But... well, yes, I s'pose I do."
Being in the same house didnt matter though, right ? She wasn't sure what these whole house things were apart from the fact that she was in one of them, all the people who she shared a common room and dorm with were also in that house and that she should be proud of her house. OH And that her house colour was green. Four facts wasn't really a lot but meh, she'd not heard anything about not being able to socialise with people in other houses so she was gonna spend lots and lots of time with Aimée, well aslong as Aimée wanted too. Harley hoped she did because she was her first friend and she was awesome; that was always a bonus.
Harley listened as Aimée said she didnt think she'd get lost, not really noticing the emphasis on think, she only noticed the emphasis when Aimée said she knew she'd get lost. Aww.
"Well, maybe if we got lost together it wouldnt be so bad." They could just panic together. hehe.
The redhead giggled as Aimée laughed. Waiting for a reply anxiously, her face light up as the word yes escaped Aimée's mout. along with some other words but yeah Harley hadnt been listening to those.
"YAY! I looove superhero's. theyre so cooool. What else do you like ?"