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Old 01-02-2011, 10:57 PM   #51 (permalink)

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Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
It was impossible to ignore the man seating himself in Max's chair, although Tate did his darnedest. He studied the flatware and his plate... and his napkin and his glass. Anything, really, to avoid conversation with the man.

He expected Max to hold his own, and he wasn't disappointed when the man finally arrived. Unfortunately, it just served to point out his own childish behavior, and Tate finally spoke up after terse words were exchanged between the two. "For Circe's sake, Max. We can't expect a Ministry employee to know how to behave with decorum, but just sit over here."

Tate kicked out the empty chair on his other side before turning his attention to Ikenna. The man was scary big, about the same size as Tate, which was unnerving to someone who sort of enjoyed towering over people. "Let's try to put on a happy face for the students, yes? No picking fights on the first day?" He was offering to keep his hands in his pockets too, so to speak.

Yes, fine. Gaellen Tate enjoyed a Muggle brawl from time to time.
Max was about to continue on his tirade when Tate finally spoke up. He listened and rolled his eyes. So the stupid git was a Ministry employee. 'Big deal,' he thought sarcastically as he resisted the urge to pull HIS chair out from under the man.

Thankfully, common sense prevailed and the Deputy Headmaster swallowed his pride.

"He started it," Max mumbled as he took the seat directly to Tate's left.

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