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Old 01-02-2011, 08:03 PM   #219 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 101
First Year

Originally Posted by Zebragirl View Post
Emiy walked into the hall and stopped for a moment to take it all in. She was here, she was actually here! She stood in her sisters old robes, but for once she didn't care she had hand-me-downs. She was at Hogwarts, so what else mattered?
Emily sat down at the Gryffindor table and looked up and down it. She had lost Beth in a crowd of students, so Emily hoped to see her at the feast somewhere.
Emily looked at the other houses tables, then up at the staff table.
'Mabye Beth has gone to the wrong table' she thought. But Beth was not there.
Emily sighed then started to eat, alone.
Beth was pushed into the hall by the ever moving crowd of excited students. Every where she looked she saw people smiling and laughing with their friends or even just the people they'd been shoved next to by the stream of pupils. Sadly Beth had no such luck, she had lost Emily before they had even come through the doors of her new school. Maybe her only friend had found someone else to talk to and forgotten about her, Beth thought. . . Or maybe not! Beth could see Emily sitting at Gryffindor table and all she had to do was figure out how to get through the mass of people in front of her. After lots of pushing, shoving and apoligising to the people she knocked, Beth was finally at the table; sadly the seat next to Emily had been taken so Beth had to settle for sitting opposite her.
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