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Fallon wandered over to the Ravenclaw table. There was a certain Claw she was looking for. She looked all around for the mass of purple hair that would signal Satine somewhere. She looked through all of the faces around her. For some reason, Satine seemed to be eluding her today.
Fallon wondered if she should ask some of the other Claws where Satine was. Then again, she didn't know who would know her.
Just as Satine started taking a drink she thought she spotted a familiar green robe heading over towards the table. She put down her cup and leaned as far back in her seat as she could without falling off backwards to take a closer look....YES...IT...WAS...FALLON!!!...
She jumped up from her spot and started jumping up and down waving and motioning Fallon over to her...she didn't care if she looked like a firstie or second year. She was so excited to see her other Slythie friend!