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Justin made his way down the corridors of the train, glancing in a few cabins and looking out the windows at the ever-growing view. Why? He had no idea why. But he liked the view. And now he was after sugar. What else could act as his best friend when he had no one to talk to. Wait! Hold that thought! SELENA! Yay! Time to act all hyperactive. Let's not. Wasn't such a good idea after all, was it? He walked to the food trolley as orignally planned and scanned the trolley for CANDY! Why was he so hooked on sugary stuff? He blamed the company. But he could hardly blame someone who he wasn't with now could he. But he could have a good go at it. He stood behind Selena waiting for her to make her choice. Although he was sure she would have sweets in her bag or somewhere on the train with her. O wells. Once Selena got a craving...... Well that was one of the thingshe loved about her. "Well, well, well. Might have known I'd catch you here" he joked. Teehee. He loved teasing people. It was so much fun. If not a little cruel at times.
Selena waved at him hyperly. Two giant lollipops and a bag of jellybeans ago she was not as hyper. That was a while ago though and Selena was very much hyper now. Hehehe. She luuurrrved her sugar, oh yes she did. And once she had a little bit of it, she couldn't resist getting more.
"Huuuloooooooo~" she said with a giggle, holding it out a bit longer than necessary. She laughed as he said it though she wasn't sure if it was because she had to much sugar or because it was funny. Eh, it could be both.
"Pffft, weeeellllllll I have the right to be here because it has candy," she said, her eyes widening at the thought of sugar.
It was moments like these when she felt like she was still a little firstie. She was still a firstie... just mentally. Yup.
"So, whatchu doing here?" she asked as she stared at the cart of sugar. yum yum yum. Selena wondered how long it would be before she started to jump around crazily. Kent, however was not as happy when Selena got hyper. He tended to fall off her head. Eh, good pygmy puff.