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"Thought you might." Mia said with a knowing grin. She would be doing the same thing if Nik was here. Marie was lucky that her boyfriend was going to be at the same school as her.
She watched as Marie spoke to the two boys while taking another bite out of her cauldron cake. Still thinking about Sal's grumbling, Mia tugged on Marie's arm. "Can you hang around for a bit? I might need your help with something." She said, her eyes on Salander.
Marie just grinned at Mia. She had told Mia enough about how she felt that she was sure Mia knew what she was going to be doing later. Plus she really didn't want to say too much to Mia right now not really knowing yet how she was feeling about Nik not being around.
Feeling Mia tug on her arm she turned her attention from Finn back to Mia.
"Um sure, I'll be here for you. You know I'll help you with whatever I can." She then looked between the boys. Hmm, wht did she have a feeling Mia was going to want her to punch one of them?
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Hmm. This Marie looked like she was plotting something, which Finn had a feeling was not a good idea. Maybe it was good that he kept on her good side, because he didn't exactly want to experiance what she might be plotting. "Yeah....it is." Finn grinned at her. She was pretty, he would have to congratulate his mate on hooking her in. Although he did kind of hope that Marie wouldn't steal Jimmy all the time. Maybe Finn needed some more male friends....it would help with things really.
Hmm, she wondered if Finn had told Jimmy that he was a prefect. Jimmy had told her about him but never mentioned his prefectness. Eh not that it really mattered to her. However she did like that fact that her boyfriends best friend was a prefect. Hopefully that would make it easier to get him to do what she wanted him to do. She would wait until later to talk to him about that though.
"Yeah, and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the future." She said grinning back at him. Not only because of Jimmy but hopefully because she would be able to convince him to help her out with her task.
SPOILER!!: My Pal Sal
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"Almost profitable.... from an almost brawl" he replied to the Slytherin girl and winked at her again "Too bad that old dude had to pull you away, that would've been some good entertainment at the party." he chuckled. "Speaking of which, that old man... he's your Dad? Jake called him Dad too. You two arent related to some degree are you?" Jake and Marie may be both blondes but they sure dont look anything alike. But then again the old dude looked nothing like them either.
He nodded at the Ravenclaw Prefect and replied "Alright then Finn...." There it is again, the feeling of familiarity "You know I couldnt shake the feeling that I've heard your name before, I just couldnt seem to place it...."
He suddenly stopped whatever he was doing when Mia used his full name. At least that was his full name as far as she knew. He looked at her soulful dark eyes and he could feel his face heating up. He just wanted to blurt out the jumbled mess that's been festering in his head since that trip to Antarctica. He turned to face her finally "Got to spend some time with Nik down at the South Pole... " he started nearly spitting out the Durmstranger's name "Real nice guy he is, really...." Arrogant! Conceited! Dastardly! Egotistaical! Self-Serving.....he had a word for every letter of the alphabet that was just waiting to burst out. Then he blinked. He realized he was shaking. He struggled to keep it all down, trying to draw measured breaths. Interesting how it was that a year ago he was in the exact same state of fury, only to be eased into calmness by Mia. Now it seemed her effect has reversed itself "..... he's a real piece of work." he said finally "You may want to know a bit more about how he is and what he does when you're not looking."
He backed off. He wanted to get out of there.... and do something insanely dangerous. Like climb onto the train roof.
Marie started to laugh when Sal mentioned her almost brawl with Jake.
"Right, that would have been something to see for sure." Given the way her and Jake felt about each other Sal may just get his chance at making a profit before the term was over. Lawson wouldn't be around to protect Jake at school now would he.
Huh? Old man.. her dad?
Oh right, Lawson.
"No, he's not really my dad. He's Jake's dad and he used to be a professor at Hogwarts. I stayed at his house last summer. That's when I found out that the Lawson's had adopted Jake." Boy did that come as a shock to her.
"Jake didn't exactly like the idea that I was staying there so we ended up fighting... a lot... when he was home that is." She still found it rather amusing that just her being there made Jake leave home and act like a little baby.
"He got it stuck in his head that I was trying to steal his parents away or some crazy thing like that. Now I like to annoy him as if he was my big brother." Because she knew that really made him mad. Anything that had to do with her being a part of his family was sure to set the boy off.
What was Sal's problem with Nik? Why was he acting that way to Mia?
Wait... South Pole? Sal was at the South Pole with Nik? What had Marie missed here?
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Well she knew that she didn't have to remind him of where he lived but she just seemed to like saying it. His house was freakin awesome. Mia wanted to live in a house like that some day.
She returned his grin and raised an eyebrow. "That is of course you don't dump me for one of your other girls." From what she had seen Finn was very popular especially with the girls and probably would be more so, now that he was a Prefect.
"Which reminds me. Are you and Jimmy friends again?"
Mia had to literally take a few steps back when Sal went on his tirade. She had seen him like this before and it was rather scary. But last time she had managed to calm him down, she had the feeling that she wouldn't be able to this time.
Seeing how she seemed to be the problem. Well technically not her but Nik which was the same thing as far as she was concerned.
And the things he was saying...
Mia could feel herself starting to shake a little as well. Why was everyone trying to warn her away from Nik? She was a big girl and could look after herself and Nik had never done anything to hurt her. In fact he had been the perfect gentleman.
"I know enough about him Sal. Thank you very much. Nik and I only officially got together in the last month so whatever happened before that is none of my business." And then there was that feeling of protectiveness for Nik again. Mia moved closer to Sal without even thnking about it and she raised her hand that was holding the cauldron cake and mushed it into his face.
Just as Lexi walked up and hugged him. "Sorry Lexi." She said throwing an apologetic look at her and then giving Sal one last glare before turning on her heel and stomping off down the corridor.
Looking over at Mia she had a feeling things weren't going to end so well. Mia had lost that happy look Marie was so used to seeing her with. And then she was telling Sal off... and smashing cake in his face and taking off.
Well... that wasn't good.
"Um, I think I better go see if she's alright." She said looking back at Finn and Sal before taking off after Mia herself.