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Old 01-01-2011, 02:38 AM   #114 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default ...and everyone else

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
His eyes was searching the nearest window to see if they were the types that would slide open so he can just hoist himself up outside. He desperately needed for something to clear his head. Suddenly he felt someone nearly tackling him to the ground. "Lexi!" he uttered surprised at the Gryffindor blonde. Its like she popped up just when he needed a distraction the most. Incredible timing. He gave her a big hug in return while easing her grip from him just a bit. He needed to breath after all "How are-- oh you have? I mean of course you have!" he grinned. Just how often did she get the chance to "renovate" a Diagon Alley landmark? Never. Not without him heh. "You got all your stuff on board no sweat?" he asked, having seen quite a bit of students having trouble getting their luggages on board.
Lexi giggle!snorted as Sal loosened her grip a bit. Finally releasing him from her huggle she stepped back and beamed at him. "Of course I missed you... the remainder of my summer was dreadfully boring," she pouted at him for a moment. Then wrinkling up her nose she giggled softly.

Oh my! She was so oblivious sometimes. Looking around she saw several people she recognized, including Mia and the Fletcher fanboy dude... Treyen was it? Yes. Waggling her little fingers at them all she smiled and said, "Hey guys!" Then turning her attention back to Sal she actually caught herself blushing as she thought about the last time she saw him. That, in turn, brought even more giggles. "So, how was the rest of your holiday? Oh yeah my stuff ot on just fine. You know me, I asked a big strong guy to help me," she said in rapid fire.
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