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[B]Must. Find a place. To. Put. My stuff. In... Evan breathed heavily as he dragged two bags behind him. He didn't want to sweat, because then he would smell and his clothes would be a mess. Also, he would have to tidy his hair again, which looked so amazing right now, if he managed not to sweat. Hands on his hips, he looked around the compartment. Wow. Here was full of ickle firsties, eh? Could he trust them with his luggage? Although, that should be easy, since he was a PREFECT now and his neatly-pinned badge SHOUTED that. Firsties were always frightened of prefects. Though, he didn't really want to scare them--he wasn't in the mood to do that. Just, he walked the lenght of the compartment to make sure people saw his badge, and also to make sure none of the firsties decided to use their wands and make a scene of themselves. As he was pacing, he saw a certain Huffie he knew, and with a smile, dragged his bags to her.
Selina saw the older prefect poking his nose around. He seemed to be on the prowl for fresh meat as was the case with many other older students on the train. Maybe when she was older she would understand the thrill of the hunt for younger children. But presently, at the bottom of the food chain, Selina could not see the appeal.
Grasping tight onto her wand she approached the older student. She would not be the first year who was pushed around by the older student. Making allies now would be her best option.
As she reached several feet away from the older student she tucked a strand of her deep auburn hair behind her ear and licked her light lips. Straightening her back she made her way to the prefect.
"Hello, I'm Selina Skylar. I was wondering if you could take the time to answer a question of mine?"
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What a nice girl this was. "Well... What can I say. I'm a Ravenclaw, I do not like to study, I do like to read though. I play a muggle music instrument called the ukulele and I'm a halfblood." He didn't really know what else to tell her. "So, tell me about you, Selina. What house do you want to be in?" he asked politely.
A Ravenclaw? So he was smart too? What was it that her father always told her? The red is for the hothead, the green is for the mean, the yellow is for the mellow, and the blue is smarter than you.
"That's cool. Everyone I've met from your house seems really nice. As well as you of course. And I've heard of the ukulele. My Dad's favorite song is "Over the Rainbow" by Iz. Didn't he play a ukulele in that?"
Without hesitation she responded, "Gryffindor."
"I mean, my whole family's been there for generations. I don't want to be the odd one out. All of my cousins were in that house too. It's a legacy that I'm so afraid I might mess up."
"What about me? Well I guess the most important thing is I'm a ginger, obviously. It holds more weight than you would think. Trust me, all of the magic in the world comes from the weight of the hair." Selina joked, "And I love Quidditch. It's a family tradition. A lot of my family, including my Dad played Quidditch professionally. Actually my Dad's on the Falcons. And I love to fly and I like school, but I doesn't come easy to me. I have to work for it. Also I guess I kind of have a serious drive. Everything I do needs to get done. It's kind of a fault."
"So which one of your parents is a muggleborn or muggle?"