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Old 12-31-2010, 05:13 PM   #484 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brittany Lee
Third Year

Originally Posted by Deniiz View Post
Must. Find a place. To. Put. My stuff. In... Evan breathed heavily as he dragged two bags behind him. He didn't want to sweat, because then he would smell and his clothes would be a mess. Also, he would have to tidy his hair again, which looked so amazing right now, if he managed not to sweat. Hands on his hips, he looked around the compartment. Wow. Here was full of ickle firsties, eh? Could he trust them with his luggage? Although, that should be easy, since he was a PREFECT now and his neatly-pinned badge SHOUTED that. Firsties were always frightened of prefects. Though, he didn't really want to scare them--he wasn't in the mood to do that. Just, he walked the lenght of the compartment to make sure people saw his badge, and also to make sure none of the firsties decided to use their wands and make a scene of themselves. As he was pacing, he saw a certain Huffie he knew, and with a smile, dragged his bags to her.

"Hello Brittany," he greeted the girl. He remembered her quite well, because she'd called him rude. How rude. "How are you?" Might as well chit-chat while he placed his bags in her compartment. Because he had to ask for a favour, and you just didn't ask favours directly. That would be rude.
Brittany Looked up at the sound of her name which was rarely ever used in its full. Who was this calling her Brittany??? Here eyes fell on a familar though not to familar tall slytherin Boy. Her eyes narrowed instantly. She certainly remembered there last meeting and it certainly didnt go very well. She was determined not to give him the satisfaction that it still gotto her slightly."Uh hello Evan." she said. Yes she remembered his name. She never forgot people who almost flattened her to floor.

"Ive been great." she said with a small smile. Yes she was doing a very good job. She looked him over once more and noitced his badge. Oh goodness that couldnt be good. He was already toooo proud to be a slytherin and now with a badge he might be worst *smirk*. She decided she wouldnt bring it up so she countinued on with the earlier conversation. "So how have you been".
The Loyalists Funniest Sweetest HufflePuffs you'll ever meet

Slytherin ♥
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