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Miss Lissy Lou Now that Alex had his trunk all secure in the baggage cart, it was time to find a seat. He'd promised his sister that he'd sit with her for a little while, but he'd lost her--again--and decided that rather than fight the crowd, he'd just...sit in one spot and hope she came to him.
Making his way through the compartment, he quickly learned that everything he'd heard about the train was entirely true--the compartments filled up fast! He'd have preferred an empty one...he'd rather the people come to HIM, you see...but that didn't seem to be a possibility anytime soon. He sighed and looked around, catching a glimpse of a nearby compartment that only had one dude occupying it. He had a cat curled up on his lap--well, cats were cool. Maybe this guy was too.
Knocking on the compartment door, he quietly slid it open and cleared his throat. "Erm...hi. Anyone sitting there?" he asked, pointing to the space where his legs were. What?! He could be saving it for someone!
Hearing a knock at the door, Jake raised an eyebrow. It had to be a firstie, a transfer or someone who had a nervous disposition. Jake wasn't used to people knocking.
Turning to find the knocker, Jake directed his face down and peered over the top of his sunglasses before smiling.
"Not that I know of," he said, moving his feet down to the floor, the cat miraculously staying still.
He loved having long legs.