Originally Posted by
theloonster. Quirrha laughed at the look on Eino's face. "No one was talking about you, don't worry. Hugo just simply mentioned you earlier." She shook her head, trying not to laugh any harder. Her whole body was shaking and she couldn't talk properly. Why, she will never know. "I don't know yet, but I'm Quirrha. Q-u-i-r-r-h-a, pronounced as Kiara."
"Oh, so you're a first year?" Unless she was a transfer student or something, but she seemed young enough to be a first year. "It's nice to meet you, Quirrha. I hope you are sorted in Ravenclaw! That way you can help us win the House Cup!" Eino was still bummed Ravenclaw miserably lost it last term, but he was determined to do everything he could to win it for his house this term.
Originally Posted by
neaped "Eino, that is just so brilliant. I wish I had done sortlike things all summer but I'm afraid I've just been strolling Diagon Alley, doing nothing." Eino's creation was just amazing. "Speaking of creatures, are we going to catch some Pogrebins at Hogwarts too? Or aren't they present in the castle?" He asked Eino. Yes, the YWHO was really cool. They needed to meet up sometime.
"Thank you." Eino said humbly. He was happy people could see Fautus as more than just a plain cactus that didn't do anything. As far as Y.W.H.O. was concerned Eino had a lot planned but didn't know what they could actually do in Hogwarts since he didn't think there would be pogrebins or other creatures around. "Well, I have some things planned, but I don't think the pogrebins are in Hogwarts so we won't be able to hunt for them there. we can do other things though." Like practice magic, finally, and brew potions that would help them in their captures.