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Satine hurried towards her favorite part of the train...the food trolley... trying not to run over the wide eyed firsties as she walked. As she walked, her signature bright purple hair flowed behind her. She smiled as she passed compartments full of new and old faces.
Finally, she saw the bright light ahead and she realized she could slow down her trek across the train. She glanced at the food trolley and began deciding what her order was going to be as she reached into her purple purse digging for money.
As she waited she glanced around at everyone in line and decided that while she waited she might as well start up a conversation with someone around her....yess...let's make it easy and go for the person in front of her.
"I don't remember these firsties being...sooo well small..they are like avoiding ants in an anthill." she said with a little giggle towards the boy in front of her to get his attention. Knowing that her small joke would get his attention, she smiled and continued, "Howzit! I'm Satine, sixth year Ravvie!" she said with pride as she motioned towards the crest on her left side.
Alex turned around and laughed glancing at the small firsties surrounding their feet like... Well, like ants really. Huh.
"Yeah I know, they're pretty cute though." He smiled as he spotted a small girl falling over, oh she was up again good. Weird little creatures.
Looking up at the girl in front of him he smiled politely.
"I'm Alex nice to meet you." Satine? Cool name,
plus she was a Claw... Did she know Ellie perhaps? He shouldn't ask that the first thing he did.
"I'm a transfer so I can't really tell you my house yet." he chuckled. But how cool would it be to introduce himself as third year Slytherin?
"I'm in my third year."