Originally Posted by
Scorpius went to Paris with his family, though he didn’t have much fun. It was just him and his parents and since his parents went out every night, Scorpius was alone with nobody to talk to.
Aww poor Scorp. I could have kept him company too!
OK and now time for Detective Inspecter Soph to step in....
Exhibit A was sent first, why wasnt Miss.Weasley upset further on in the post untill exhibt b came along if she had really sent it first....
Originally Posted by EXHIBIT A
I can’t keep lying to my parents. And I’m sick of being lonely over the summer because my boyfriend can’t come see me. I don’t know why we ever thought it would work. I mean, I’m a Weasley and you’re a Malfoy. Those families just don’t mix. I think it’s better if we see other people. Sorry.
Originally Posted by EXHIBIT B
Ruthie Weasley,
I must say, it’s not my taste. The bracelet that is. I’m more of a sparkly person myself. You’re probably wondering why I have it, huh? Well, your boyfriend gave it to me the other night when we were together, alone. I must say, he is a fantastic kisser, and his body… I’ll spare you the details. Stay away from him and I won’t embarrass you in front of the whole school by telling them that he cheated on you. Otherwise, you’ll be the joke of the school. I can promise you that.
Your Worst Nightmare.
Miss.Weasley was not upset before she got the letter. She said herself that Mr.Malfoy was not the cheating type. And that only once she read the letter, she was upset
It was also stated that Mr.Malfoy had a boring summer stuck in Paris, so how could he have possibly met up with this stranger unless they were from Beaubatons?
I believe there is more to this case than meets the eye. I will be watching for more evidence and clues that follow.
Thank you for your time.
it was an awsome post...so exciting
I think we will wait and see what the accused Has to say for himself to Miss. Weasley back at Hogwarts.
She fell asleep with tears still seeping through her eyelids
Both Miss.Wesaly and Mr.Malfoy seem to have all ths news taken as a surprise. But wouldn't Mr.Malfoy have regognised it at Miss.Wealeys handwriting? And What will happen back at Hogwrats when both have been told a different story.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convinence, Miss Emily Black. Thank you for your time!
D.I. Soph