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Summer was mainly boring for Ruthie. Since none of the parents knew about her relationship with Scorpius, they really couldn’t see each other. Ruthie and the other Weasleys all went on their traditional vacation trip to their cabin in Greenland. Scorpius went to Paris with his family, though he didn’t have much fun. It was just him and his parents and since his parents went out every night, Scorpius was alone with nobody to talk to. As they got ready for their sixth year at Hogwarts, they both received a letter.
“Are you almost finished packing?” Astoria asked from the doorway of Scorpius’s room.
“Yeah, almost,” he replied with a sigh as he started moving his books into his trunk.
“Dinner’s almost ready, don’t forget to wash your hands,” Astoria said before climbing down the stairs.
Scorpius quickly went to his bedside table while he was alone and snatched up the picture of him and Ruthie. He placed it carefully on top of everything else and closed his trunk.
After washing his hands, Scorpius crept down the stairs of the manor and made his way to the dining room. The smell hit him first—spaghetti and garlic bread. He licked his lips absently as he sat down beside his father.
“Are you done packing?” Draco asked.
“Yup,” Scorpius said shortly as he started piling spaghetti onto his plate.
That was pretty much their conversation since Scorpius really couldn’t talk about his relationship with Ruthie. And school was just school. So they sat in silence until they finished eating and then Scorpius turned in for the night. After he brushed his teeth and changed into a pair of sweats, Scorpius retired to his room.
“What the!” Scorpius said suddenly as he saw a white owl perched on top of his trunk. After calming down from the near heart attack, Scorpius snatched the letter from the bird’s beak and the owl flew off.
I can’t keep lying to my parents. And I’m sick of being lonely over the summer because my boyfriend can’t come see me. I don’t know why we ever thought it would work. I mean, I’m a Weasley and you’re a Malfoy. Those families just don’t mix. I think it’s better if we see other people. Sorry.
Scorpius started breathing heavily as he read through the letter twice, three times, ten times in all before he finally balled it up and threw it across the room. He kicked his trunk with enough force to cause damage to his little toe. Without realizing it, his tears released as he jumped on his bed, muffling the choking sound coming from his throat with his comforter. The love of his life just broke his heart and he didn’t know what to make of his life anymore. There would be no one else he could or would fall in love with. He would die alone if Ruthie wouldn’t take him.
*** “RuthIE!” Emma screamed bloody murder from her bedroom.
“What now?” Ruthie muttered as she made her way to Emma and Geoffrey’s room. She ran into the room and saw Emma’s red face and teary eyes. She scanned the room for her little brothers that were probably the cause of this.
“What’s wrong?” Ruthie asked frantically as she scooped Emma up in her arms and started rocking her.
“Why’dyewavetaleeve?” she cried into Ruthie’s shirt. Ruthie suppressed a laugh at the inaudible child in her arms. Ruthie decided she’d try again when Emma had calmed down.
“Everything okay up here?” George asked from the doorway in passing. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Emma crying in Ruthie’s arms. Ruthie shrugged.
I have no idea, but I’m all over it, she mouthed at him. He nodded, though still concerned.
“Call if you need reinforcements,” he said quietly. Ruthie nodded as he disappeared up the hall. Ruthie repositioned them on the bed so that she was propped back against the pillows and bed frame. Emma’s sobbing finally died down after about fifteen minutes as Ruthie stroked her hair.
“What’s wrong, Emmy?” Ruthie whispered.
“Why do you have to leave?” Emma hiccoughed.
“Ah, now I understand,” Ruthie murmured.
“Emma, we’ve been through this. I’ll write you every other day if you want and I’ll see you all the time over holidays. And when there are Hogsmeade weekends, you can ask Mum or Dad to take you there and we can see each other there. We will see each other all the time; I promise.” Ruthie kissed Emma’s forehead as she nodded. They had this tantrum every year. Emma didn’t like being the only girl in the house, which is understandable.
After another half hour of calming Emma down by reading her a muggle fairytale, Ruthie tucked her into bed and then made her way to her own room.
“Hey, is everything good back there?” George whispered as he stepped out of his bedroom.
“Yeah, I took care of it. It’s the same thing every year,” Ruthie whispered back.
‘Yeah, well, we all miss you when you leave,” George grinned.
Ruthie rolled her eyes.
“Would you like me to drop out like you did?” she asked as she put her hand on her hip.
“Not a chance,” George laughed as kissed the top of Ruthie’s hair.
“Good night, Butterfly,” George said before going back to his room.
“Night, Dad.”
Ruthie walked into her room to an owl sitting on her windowsill. She didn’t recognize him, but he did have a letter tied to his leg.
She crossed the room in a few strides and opened the window. The owl lifted his leg and Ruthie gently untied it. The owl flew off immediately as Ruthie started ripping the envelope.
A single hymn bracelet fell to the floor. Ruthie picked it up, frowning. It was the one she had given Scorpius for their two month anniversary. She hesitantly unfolded the parchment.
Ruthie Weasley,
I must say, it’s not my taste. The bracelet that is. I’m more of a sparkly person myself. You’re probably wondering why I have it, huh? Well, your boyfriend gave it to me the other night when we were together, alone. I must say, he is a fantastic kisser, and his body… I’ll spare you the details. Stay away from him and I won’t embarrass you in front of the whole school by telling them that he cheated on you. Otherwise, you’ll be the joke of the school. I can promise you that.
Your Worst Nightmare.
Ruthie stared at the piece of paper, her jaw hanging open. She had no idea what to make of it. Scorpius didn’t seem like the cheating kind, but how else would this person have gotten his bracelet? As her tears released, Ruthie climbed into her bed, her letter still clutched in her hand. She felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing her in the heart with sharp glass or using the Cruciatus Curse on her heart alone. She fell asleep with tears still seeping through her eyelids.
What do you think?