SPOILER!!: Holly, Orabelle, Ryan
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Holly nodded in agreement. It sure was easy to get caught up in all of this. Super easy. She took another bite of her candy cane and smiled back at Connor after she had swallowed. "So, you seem like you could help me. What would you, a guy like yourself, like for the Secret Santa?" She asked, hoping he would give her something that could help her out.
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Orabelle nodded. "Of course, each one of them are pieces of art," she said. Needless to say, Orabelle was very passionate about clothes. Mmmhm. And she would die if her bags were ruined, or at least cry. She was a girl after all, what else would you expect?
Orabelle laughed and smiled back, nodding her head. "Who doesn't love presents? Just tearing them open, Merlin, it makes me feel like a child again," she giggled. Opening presents gave her that same feeling of bliss every time she went shopping or entering her favorite pastry shop in Paris. It was undeniable and she loved every little bit of it. "Yeah, it will be, won't it?" she giggled. She couldn't wait to see what she would get, expensive or not, it was a present and she was grateful for that.
"Well, I tried right?" she offered a bit feebly. Orabelle, in one word, was fail. "I would never call someone 'hey you', I find it a bit offensive for some reason," she shrugged. It just didn't seem quite proper calling someone that.
Orabelle let out another little giggle at his comment to Elizabeth. Honestly, she was surprised when Elizabeth hadn't said some crude remark directed at her.
She nodded, of course Holly didn't lie. Ah, well, it was worth a try. Orabelle shrugged. Hmm... "That's actually a pretty good idea, you know, take some times off of your hands and all," she said with a smile. Few things got on Orabelle's nerves, unless it was Elizabeth. Ugh. "I wonder if they'd let me decorat- that's probably going to be a bad idea," she said as she stopped herself. She would make it into a disaster, because well, because she was Orabelle Bianca Bellamonte and completely incapable of housework. Quote:
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Oh thank goodness. He wasn't the only one stuck with a girl and no idea what to buy her. They liked... Bath stuff right? But seriously, he had absolutely no money to buy anything and he was no good at buying stuff. "Eh thats a secret aint it?" he tapped the side of his nose. Not that he really cared. He was so confused as to what to buy, it wouldn't really matter if he told anyone. But it was in the name, secret santa. "I'll tell you later" he lowered his voice and directed his eyes quickly towards one of the girls before flicking them back.
Was she giggling at him? Orabelle.. or whatever her name was. She found his sarcasm amusing? Well that was a first. The seventeen year old blinked right back, not saying anything at first. Err.. Heh. But the fact she hadn't seen him around surprised him. "I err.. Guess I don't go to the same places as you do" he told her, raising an eyebrow slightly. Yeah, she was probably always in the bathroom looking in the mirror whereas he would rather be risking it and attempting to climb the Whomping Willow. Only after sugar though. Lots of it. This was quite.. nice though. A proper conversation.
Woaaah WOAH! Was she.. mocking him? *STAAAAAARE* But..But no one mocked Ryan. He did the mocking HE DID! "Pfft..." Ryan turned his head away from Miss ICopyYou only to see..
CANDY CANES!!!1!!!11!!!ONE!!!
Why did no one tell him there was sugar on the table. Ryan grabbed A handful of candy and devoured it within a minute. WOO! That gave him a rush. Which was probably not a good thing.. AT ALL!
"I have no evil plans. There's not a single evil bone within this well refined body" he continued battering his eyelashes. A girl? "You calling me pretty then?" he smirked back at her.
Did someone just say his name? "HEY" he grinned back at.. whatsherface. Liz? Yeah that was it. He REALLY shouldn't have eaten those candy canes!
Connor tilted his head to the side a bit and thought about Holly's question a moment. "
Well, what would I personally like? Or what would guys in general like?" Because although the two categories probably overlapped, his own would be more specific. Then again, if she was directly asking him, did that mean she had drawn his name? Or was asking him for a friend perhaps? ...
Or, maybe he was just reading into it all way too much. He tended to do that often.
I personally would like.." He trailed off. What did he want? There really wasn't anything big. "
I donno. I like cool trainers, but I wouldn't expect the person to pay for them. Or know my shoe size. Maybe some chocolate frogs or something?" He was always partial to chocolate frogs. "
Guys in general would probably like Honeydukes crap because guys like to eat. Maybe some quidditch magazine, depending on the person you've got." He turned to Holly again, hoping that was somewhat helpful.
Definitely - I feel the same way. I never understand how some people can open their presents so delicately, and then sometimes even go so far as to fold up the wrapping paper and keep it!" He laughed. Huh uh. Presents were meant to be torn open. The sound alone of torn wrapping paper was totally on the soundtrack to Christmas.
Connor smiled. "
You did try, yes." 'Hey you' probably would be a pretty impolite way of getting someone's attention. Unfortunately, people did it anyway.
His eyebrows sank down against his eyes. Really? Ryan was gonna keep his Secret Santa thing secret from him? Pfft. Lame. Oh, wait.. aah. He'd tell him later. Connor gave a wink and nodded.
He looked back to the girls around the table. "
So, I don't know what I should--" His words came to an abrupt halt. His eyes widened. Epiphany! "
Ryan!" He suddenly grabbed the boy from the robes and shook him in his newfound enthusiasm. "
I got it! I have a plan." *shifty*