Thread: My Secret Santa
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Old 12-28-2010, 10:32 PM   #66 (permalink)

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Samuel Chevalier
Default Jess, my bro has been playing that non-stop. I laik the Just Dance 2, but ya know. ;]
Aidella | King of Confusion | Brittana | Forever ACROMANTULA

SPOILER!!: Liz, Zach, Holly
Originally Posted by DracikinsLuver4321 View Post
SPOILER!!: Bella and Conner

Liz turned swiftly to see one of her Ravenclaw friends. "Oh hi Bella. Sorry there's just so many people around and I sort of missed you," she apologized. Plus she was super exhausted and just wanted to rip of her Secret Santa person and throw it at their head telling them NO WAY!

Gosh and just when she promised herself she was not going to look at her sworn enemy, she did. Cause he made a comment and she just didn't let comments from him go. She let out a sigh and a roll of her eyes, then turned to look at....Conner. "What do you expect Cohen?" she asked, seeing as she went on a last name basis when she talked it him. "I'm not here to even talk to you, let alone look at you," she went on with a disgusted expression.
Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post

Holly was looking around as usual, off focus as she chewed upon the candy cane that was in her hand. She noticed Zacharias all alone at the Hufflepuff table and she stood up and walked over. "Hey, why don't you join us over at the table?" She asked, politely. Truthfully, she hadn't talked to Zacharias in over a month and she felt kind of awkward talking to him now. Then again she didn't even know why she stopped talking to him. Strange.
Zacharias saw Holly looking at him for a while. She was standing right next to him. But why? They hadn't spoken in so much time, he wondered if the damage for both of them had cleared.
"Thanks, I'll come over...So what are you guys talking about, presents for Christmas?
"He asked as he walked on over to where Holly had been sitting.[/QUOTE]

Originally Posted by JeshieRAWR View Post

Holly looked up to see Elizabeth, Liz and she gave a little wave. "Hey are you okay, Lizzy?" She asked concerned about her friend. She looked really tired but then again that was expected from Elizabeth Hoover, well so it seemed. Apparently there are rumours going around that she stays up every night studying and reading. Blagh. Holly hated reading. "Anyways, do you have any ideas for the Secret Santa?" She asked, curiously.

The Hufflepuff bit her lip and shrugged, knowing that it would be a no on the inside. "I don't lie." She stated, blandly. She never liked having house elves doing things for her and it just wasn't right really. Anyways, she liked making things on her own, it was fun. "Well...maybe you could ask a house elf to make one for you?" She asked, hoping she wouldn't be offended.

Holly just laughed. "Well I'll make sure not to make anything involving pottery if I do help you." She said, amused by Isabella. Truthfully, she hadn't heard this girl speak alot. She always thought from afar that this girl kept to herself and was quiet, but she was definitley wrong. "By the way, nice meeting you." She stated.

Holly smiled slightly. "Sorry, I guess I asked that question at the wrong time. Then again I wasn't really paying attention." She giggled. That was true, she tended to keep looking underneath the tree to see if anybody's Secret Santa gift was there yet. "Nice to meet you, Connor." She said, nicely.

Holly smiled as he said he would come over and she nodded. "Yeah, we still have no clue what to get our Secret Santas. We're giving each other ideas about it." She said, sighing. "I still can't think of what to get mine..." She trailed off, taking a seat back down at the table full of people, patting the seat next to her for Zacharias to sit.

Connor matched Liz's eye-roll. Although, as much as he outwardly appeared to despise Elizabeth Hoover, recently he had come to realize that he sort of actually looked forward to their little one v ones for some reason completely foreign to him. Not that he'd ever admit it anyway. They were enemies. "I'm crushed. Really, Hoover," he sneered. He made a 'pfft' noise with his mouth and took a swig of water. "Besides. Looks like you've failed at both." Seeing as she was both talking to him and looking at him.

"You guessed it, Zach," he said, turning to the newly-arrived Hufflepuff. "Presents and Secret Santas and Grinches." He sent a look Liz's way with his last word.

He shook his head and smiled at Holly. "Nah, it's easy to get distracted by all this talk of presents and secrets." And it was true. Presents and secrets were a very distracting combination in his opinion. "And it's nice to meet you as well." His eyes glanced around. Had anyone not read their slip of paper yet? Hmmm..
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