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Old 12-27-2010, 02:37 PM
Liisa Liisa is offline
Default Library Bookshelves

A great number of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves fill the library, creating rows and aisles of books available for students to read and check out. When returning books to the higher shelves, just hold up the tome and the shelves will take care of the rest; there's a spell on the shelves which summons the returned book to the correct place. Of course, when retrieving a book, they don't 'know' what you're looking for, so those who aren't yet accomplished in the use of the Summoning Charm may use one of the sliding ladders that move around from bookcase to bookcase.

In front of each set of shelves is a small desk with a jar of billywig stingers on it. Students can sit at these desks to complete homework or copy down notes and book references. Be aware that other students may need to access books above you… so mind your head.

You can find any book here that's appropriate for all school years, so browse to your heart's content.

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