Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger After dealing with the first girl, Aliceara turned to see the other girl simply standing there quietly. "Have you decided what you'd like?," she asked kindly. "I know there's a lot of options, but once you have an idea, things will go quickly," she added in reassurance. She couldn't tell if the selection had been what stopped the girl, but it was a logcal guess. Especially given the girl's young age. Her statement held truth for even her more seasoned customers, though. Knowing anything as simple as color narrowed down the choices considerably. At least the girl seemed more patient than some. It relaxed her a bit, made her feel more comfortable at the pace she was moving. Nerida looked up and said Okay, umm a bright vibrate pink velvet robe with a Shypre and Coffret, from the anime heartcatch precure with bright blue sleves with a bright vibrant yellow trim...Oh and if your wondering what the colors look like here...she then handed her a color sheet with the colors on it.The colors are the hair She looked down that was a lot of work...luckly she had the patch And heres the patch of Shypre an Coffertshe said handing it to her and then saying Umm and can I have a dark blue silk one with my family sign on the back of it?and then she got out that patch and handed it to her. She hoped she hadnt over blown the lady.
__________________ ♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕  ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕ |