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Old 12-24-2010, 01:53 AM   #54 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
I started reading it and you were still viewing the thread I must have caught it in the perfect timing

Loving this, it was a bit sappy but it was good sappy.
Thanks, Katie I hope it wasn't too much sappy...
This was like Draco and Emily in Room 17 (I think it was 17)
I didn't even think of that.
Originally Posted by Morag View Post
Hey Emily! This was such a cute post!
Thanks, Sophie
Aww he is perfect! If only all men were like Scoripous, The world would be a better place.
For real! If only...
Theres been like this really good meteor shower over Scotland. There was one at summer and it was awsome, but in the one just now you can see up to 50 shooting stars an hour.
Ah, that's awesome! I've never seen a shooting star before.
Isn't she not supposed to tell him ...I hope nothing bad happens
It would have been bad if she had actually wished for something and then told him, but since she didn't wish for anything, it won't matter... But as for the bad things happening...
Sappy is good. We all need it sometimes! It adds to the romance.
PAMS Emily! It was lovely!
Thanks, Sophie

You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
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