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Old 12-22-2010, 02:39 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 66

This is seriously disturbing that WB is still pushing H/Hr AFTER part 1. ENOUGH. God, why can't they realize R/Hr are awesome?
Or H/G???? Dunno ...let's see.....Maybe Kloves ships Harry and Hermione
They have to realize they are only friends .

^But they didn't show ANYONE else besides harry and hermione. I mean, come on. It's blatant. They could've showed ginny or ron.
Why couldn't they have shown Ron and Harry's hug at the Dursley's?
but to make the WHOLE ad about the two of them ( oh excuse me, we did see Voldemort) and not show Ron with either one of them is a bit ridiculous.
indeed!Completely ridiculous!!!

I didn't like how they made Harry and Hermione seem like they were in love...that was annoying. I mean in that trailer specifically.
I agree.

there are more R/Hr shippers than H/Hr.. then who are they trying to make happy??
I do not think that the number of H/Hr shipper (who can ship a pair which does not exist??) makes the difference
they only need to translate the books into movies
These scenes (H/Hr) are not as faithful to the book
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