Diary of a Dumb Blonde -Sa13+ dear diary,
As you are a new diary I feel I should introduce myself. My name is Maisie Jane Emerson, and I am a pure blood slytherin. I grew up in America, in an orphanage until the end of my first year at Hogwarts when I was adopted onto a farm house in London. I now enjoy studying riding horses, causing mischief, spending time with my friends, and playing the guitar. I'm real outgoing, funny, and happy. But for some reason most people call me stupid, dumb blonde, and an idiot..can't imagine why though. Okay, maybe I could start studying more, and maybe it would help to start thinking through things before I say them. But, it's okay because nice people except me for who I am. So, today was an especially boring day. All I did was go to Diagon Alley with some friends. I ated some ice-cream, tryed on some clothes, and even had a butterbeer with a new friend! But yes, that is all I did. but I'm looking forward to a more..exiting day tomorrow, and the next few days!!
Last edited by AmbiguouslyMe; 01-06-2011 at 01:21 AM.