Cause I'm just this bored!
"Not everybody knows how to work my body
Knows how to make me want it
But boy you stay up on it
You got that something that keeps me so off balance
Baby you’re a challenge, lets explore your talent
Hey boy I really wanna see if you can go downtown with a girl like me
Hey boy, I really wanna be with you
Cause your just my type"~What's My Name- Rihanna ft Drake
Summer With a Twist
The begining of summer was boring and slow. Avery and Mione visit often. Ron stopped by once but that didn't go well. My aunt doesn't truely like my guy friends. Oh well.
I've been packing and reading a lot. Besides my friends visiting I've had other visitors. Two really stood out to me.
My first unlikely visitor was none other than Ms Bellatrix Lestrange. She had stopped by when my aunt was away. She broke in and cornered me in my bedroom. She used the Cruciatus Curse on me, hoping to find out the Auror's plan of transporting Harry. I didn't tell her anything. Bellatrix finally left when she heard my aunt coming home. My aunt found me cowering in my bedroom covered in sweat, tears and blood. I never told my aunt what happened. I didn't want to frighten her.
My next visit was better than the first. I had been walking around Knockturn Alley hoping to find the person I seeked when I ran into someone. I fell and the person helped me up. When I looked at my helper I saw the familiar gray eyes, the pale skin and the snow blonde hair. I swear my heart skipped a beat.
Draco Malfoy looked at me and smiled. "Sorry bout that Black."
"No problem Malfoy." I said grinning. "Where have you been?" I asked as he took my hand and we walked along the street.
"I've been..busy." He said frowing. I didn't like it when he frowned. I wanted him to be happy. Happy because we were together again.
"Busy?" I asked. "Busy how, Draco?"
"It's nothing really." He shrugged and squeezed my hand.
I frowned but said nothing more on the subject. I was lost in thought until he spoke again.
"I missed you Val." Draco whispered pulling me to a stop as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.
"I missed you too." I whispered. Draco leaned in and I felt his lips brush mine but before anything could actually happen we where interupted by my aunt.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r!!!!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say me and my aunt aren't talking at the moment.
Now it's almost the end of summer and it's time for us to move Harry. We are meeting everyone at The Burrow to prepare and finalize. I quickly grabbed my trunk, owl and broom. I have to fly since I'm not 17 yet and my aunt doesn't have a fireplace!
The fly wasn't that long but I was cold and tired. When I arrived to The Burrow I found the Twins, Hermione, Ron, Avery, Fleur, Mundungus, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Mad-Eye, Kinsgley, Hagrid, Charlie, Tonks and Remus all sitting at the Weasley's table.
"Are we going?" I asked the large group.