Aww thanks for reading it guys
Ruby~ You shall see why she doesn't like Remus soon
"Tonight we’re going hard
Just like the world is ours
We’re tearin’ it apart
You know we’re superstars
We are who we are!
We’re dancing like we’re dumb
Our bodies go numb
We’ll be forever young
You know we’re superstars
We are who we are!"
~We Are Who We Are- Kesha
Together We Stand Strong and True
The fire bird sat there looking at me. His eyes were full of pain and grieve. I scratched the feathers on his broad back. He cooed in responce, causing me to smile.
"Hello there pretty boy." I cooed in my baby voice. Fawkes, the phoenix, made a clicking sound with his tounge and I laughed.
Hermione, Ron and Avery were sitting away from me whispering. They thought I couldn't hear them but I really could.
"She mustn't get to attatched to him. Fawkes won't stay with her forever. He will fly away." Hermione was saying.
Ron was agreeing with whatever Hermione said, so he was usless. Avery on the other hand was trying to convince them other wise. "Fawkes would be useful if we ever needed him."
"Avery-" Hermione started but she didn't finish since Harry had just walked in. He looked abashed but ready.
I watched him from the corner of my eyes, still petting the bird. I knew Hermione was probably right, but I couldn't lose Fawkes. Not when everything I loved was leaving.
Harry looked at all of us in turn. He opened his mouth to speak but I shook my head. "Harry I already know what you are going to say. We are going. We already told you this. 'Mione's gettting everything ready, Harry. Face it, you NEED us." I said walking away from the bird and lightly touching Harry's shoulder.
Hermione nodded. "Harry, I've been studing and collecting things that we would need to destroy the Horcruxes."
Harry sighed. "But I don't want any of you to get hurt."
I looked at Harry. "Harry we've had all those times we could have backed out. Left you alone. But we didn't. We stayed because you need us." I smiled softly.
He sighed but didn't say anything.
The next day we left Hogwarts. My heart was torn. I would never step foot in my beloved school again.