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Old 12-16-2010, 08:30 PM   #44 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default The Enemy
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

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Everything was back to normal, except for the fact that Ruthie had a new boyfriend. A lot of her time was either spent with Scorpius or with Quidditch. She and James were trying to train their new teammates like crazy. Their first match was up against Slytherin and it was the second most important game of the year. Scorpius was, of course, on the Slytherin Quidditch team, but Ruthie and Scorpius didn’t let it get to them. When they were together, nothing else mattered. Everyone kept their mouths shut, not telling any of the parents, which also included Draco and Astoria. They decided to wait until the right moment.

As the Quidditch game came closer and closer, James became more and more stressed. One night, he went as far as to try to tell Ruthie to stop talking with the enemy. She laughed it off and told him to not worry.

“What if he’s playing you? What if he’s getting close to you so he can get our secrets and plays? He can’t be trusted!” James shouted at her in the Gryffindor Common Room. Everyone throughout the room stopped talking to stare at them. James was glowering at Ruthie as she sat calmly on one of the armchairs. She stood up slowly, glaring at her cousin.

“He is not using me, James!” she growled. “We don’t even talk about Quidditch when we’re together! Believe it or not, he likes me for me, not so he can get into our play books! Now cut it out and drop this subject, you git!” Ruthie yelled back.

“Argh!” James growled as Ruthie hit him upside the head and then made her way to bed. The last thing he heard was Ruthie sniggering before she shut the door to her room.


It was the day before the match and Ruthie and Scorpius were sprawled out under Ruthie’s parents’ tree, staring up at the sun.

“Do you think the weather will stay like this until after tomorrow?” Scorpius asked.

“I heard it’s supposed to rain,” Ruthie said, making a face.

“That’s bad luck,” Scorpius muttered. He was leaning back against the tree trunk, Ruthie’s head in his lap. He played with her dark, silky hair while she made out different objects from the clouds.

The only thing on her mind was the conversation she had with Rose and Leslie the night before. The subject—their first kiss. It hadn’t happened yet. And Leslie and Rose wouldn’t shut up about it, so now it was all Ruthie could think about.

“If only I had a penny,” Scorpius whispered.

“What?” Ruthie asked, wondering how on earth a Malfoy knew about muggle money.

“So I could know what you’re thinking…” he replied with a smile.

Ruthie gave him a small smile. “If only you had that penny,” she replied.

Scorpius sighed. “I guess that’s what I get for leaving my wallet up in my dormitory.”

“Huh, guess so,” Ruthie grinned.

“Ruthie! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” James shouted as he ran towards them. Ruthie sat up, staring at James with her eyes narrowed.

“Should have known you’d be here,” he muttered under his breath. Ruthie’s eyebrow rose as he came to a stop.

“What is it, James?” Ruthie asked coldly.

“I came to apologize,” he panted.

“Okay, then, let’s hear it,” Ruthie said indifferently.

“Look, I’m sorry for everything I said last night. I was just anxious about the game and I want to win, you know that,” James said exasperatedly. “I didn’t mean what I said about Scorpius, Ruth,” he added. Scorpius stiffened and looked up at James expectantly, wanting him to explain.

“You should be,” Ruthie replied.

“Rue, come on.” He glanced over at Scorpius with an apologetic smile. “I told her that you were only dating her to get our Quidditch plays… I didn’t mean it, I’m just stressed,” he said quietly.

“Why would we want your plays anyway?” Scorpius laughed, relaxing the tension a bit. James smiled at him and held his fist out. Scorpius pounded it with his own fist. Ruthie rolled her eyes.

“Fine, I forgive you,” she sighed. James grinned at her. Ruthie tried to not smile back, but after a few seconds, she couldn’t help but return his infectious smile.

“Where’s Les?” Ruthie asked.

“How am I supposed to know?” James muttered. Ruthie grinned evilly.

“I think you know,” Ruthie laughed. Scorpius chuckled quietly as James’s eyes narrowed at her.

“What does that mean?” James demanded.

“You can’t fool me, or anyone else for that matter. Everyone knows you two fancy each other. You should skip the dating and just get married, if you ask me,” Ruthie said lightly.

“Good thing I didn’t ask you,” James growled under his breath. Ruthie held back her smile as Scorpius nudged her in the arm.

“So, what time are the lights off tonight, Captain?” Ruthie asked pleasantly.

“For you—eight o’clock,” James replied sourly.

“Oh, c’mon, I was only joking around, Jamsie,” Ruthie said as she lightly kicked him.

Right, lights are off at ten tonight for us, nine for everyone else, 'kay?” James said. Ruthie nodded with a small smile.

James left Scorpius and Ruthie by the tree and they took up their previous positions on the grassy earth.


“Thanks, Ruthie!” James shouted over the pounding rain. She had just blocked a Bludger from hitting the back of his head.

“Any time!” she said sarcastically. “Now, hurry up and find the Snitch before I get a cold!” she yelled. She heard the ghost of his chuckle as he zoomed off near the Hufflepuff stands.

Ruthie grunted before flying off to hit another Bludger towards someone else. She squinted in the harsh rain, her black hair completely drenched. A Bludger went straight for Scorpius and, acting on impulse, she made it in time to block it from splitting his head open.

“Ruthie!” Leslie complained.

“Sorry!” she yelled back. “I couldn’t stop myself,” she yelled sheepishly.

Scorpius smirked and winked at her before flying off to tail James.

“Head in the game, Ruthie!” Leslie yelled as she flew past her and blocked another Bludger from hitting her teammates.

“I don’t believe it! James Potter caught the Snitch!” Nick yelled from the teacher’s box. Ruthie stopped mid fly to turn around. James was flying in the air with the small Snitch clutched in his hand, Scorpius flying toward the ground with a frown on his face. “I’m not sure how he could even see it in this weather, but he did!” Nick continued. “Gryffindors win 175 to 110!” The Gryffindors cheered loudly and Ruthie made her way over to James.

“Good job, Captain,” she grinned.

“Thanks! We’ll talk about yours actions in the game later,” he added. Ruthie smiled sheepishly before going after Scorpius.

“Scorp! Wait up!” she called after him. He stopped moving but didn’t turn around. “Are you okay?” she panted as she finally caught up with him.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Congrats on the game,” he said with a small smile. She nodded, her smile not touching her eyes.

“Scorpius?” she asked warily. He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t say anything more. His face softened as he took in her wet appearance. Her hair hung in clumps down her back, her skin slippery with water. He smirked at her and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, his broom falling to the ground.

“When are you going to kiss me?” Ruthie whispered with a small smile. Scorpius knotted his hand in her hair and pulled her closer to him.

She gasped before dropping her broom too. Her hands slipped through his dampened hair. He brought her even closer to him, their noses grazing.

“How about now?” he whispered before brushing his lips against hers. The kiss started out gentle, light. His hands wrapped tightly around her waist as hers tightened around his neck. Ruthie smiled against his mouth as his teeth softly bit her upper lip. His tongue slowly probed her mouth as her legs wound around his waist. Trying to step carefully in the mud, Scorpius started to try to find shelter. He didn’t make it far, slipping in a mudslide. The fell back on the ground, the back of his Quidditch robes filthy with brown, dirty water. Ruthie giggled as she stuck her hands on either side of his head.

“Seems you’re head over heels for me,” she laughed.

“You already knew that,” he whispered, chortling. She leaned in to kiss him once more before pulling him up into a standing position. She wrapped her arm around his waist as his slung around her shoulder. They walked back to the castle in a slight daze as he kissed the top of her wet hair.

You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]

Last edited by Emileyn; 12-23-2010 at 05:48 PM.
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