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Old 12-15-2010, 09:35 PM
Luna Laufghudd Luna Laufghudd is offline
Default The Animal Collective

On the other side of Professor Maya's cottage lies a large grassy area, surrounded by a 4 feet tall wooden fence. Here, approximately* 20 different animals, that can be found in a muggle farm, roam free in the enclosure. Even if the creatures are not your regular magical beings, it doesn't mean they are not special. So please, treat them with care.

Go ahead, step inside through the little doorway.
Spend some time with the goats and pigs. Why not give Nelson – the gentle Belted Galloway calf – a treat? Be careful of our small furry friends, the rabbits, and make sure you say hello to the cotton-soft sheep. Help feed the chickens and roosters and pay attention to the ducks – they are ever so cute.

You will find everything you need to help take care of the animals in the little shed, right outside the enclosure. In there you'll find rakes and shovels to help keep the area clean, and also clean rags and buckets for various uses. The shed is stocked with food for the animals, Maya makes sure it's fresh – it's important you give them the right designated food, and nothing else or they can get sick. See the food list pinned onto the wall. Feeders are already placed out in the enclosure, and keep the different kinds of hay for the beasties to eat, so that's taken care of.

When you decide to say farewell for the day, make sure there's no litter lying around. Maya can probably wave her wand and trace the trash back to you. [insert evil smile here.] Plus, if the creatures accidentally eat your litter... No need to explain, right?

Originally Posted by Animals
A Calf
Chickens & Roosters
Originally Posted by Food List
HayGoats, Cow, Sheep, Rabbits
Alfalfa hayCow, Goats
(found only outside...) Goats, Cow, Sheep, Pigs, Chicken/Roosters, Ducks, Rabbits
Fruit & VegetablesGoats, Rabbits
GrainCow, Sheep
CornGoat, Sheep
EarthwormsChickens/Roosters, Pigs, Ducks
Wheat - Chickens/Roosters

If you see anything you cannot handle, go and get Professor Saylen. If you do anything you didn't mean to do, and it all goes wrong, go and get Professor Saylen. If you do something by mistake and don't get Maya - she will get you.

All SS Board Rules apply here.

* The animal families grow rapidly!