Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad Much like his, Artemis' smile grew considerably as Legend acknowledged her presence, because only he would greet her in such a silly way. She was definitely nothing like the Goddess she was named after, and certainly not worthy of the title. But this was Legend, and it was all in good fun. "I better be!" Artie laughed, hugging her younger brother back. "It's so good to see you again, finally. How was your school year? No problems? And urgh, you've got to stop growing kid! I'm going to start feeling small if you don't, you know that?" He was already four inches taller than her, and fourteen years younger.
Running her fingers through her dark wavy hair, Artie pushed the stray strands over her shoulder, quietly watching the interaction between her little brother and her assistant. Mildred? Hm, was that what Millie was short for? Casting her navy blue eyes over and up toward Legend as he spoke, Artie smiled once more. She had thought that was obvious. "The shop is very busy during the summer, I thought the help would be nice and allow me some free time to spend with my family. By the way, Lex, Ty and I were talking. How does the beach sound to you? Just the four of us?"
Millie was apologizing..? Had she not realized Artie was just kidding? It was cement. "No worries, dear." the slightly older woman assured, clearly somewhat concerned for the young brunette. She was definitely not fine, of that Artie was sure. Ah, and there it was. "Millie, do me a favor, please? Take a deep breath and then exhale." Another gentle, warm smile played upon the half-Greek, half-Italian witch's lips, motioning for Millie to take a seat at her desk if she wished to; It looked like she may need it. "Relax. You have nothing to worry about, it looks more intimidating than it really is. The trick is to keep things moving and not to react to chaos as if it is chaos. So long as you do that, you have it under control. Remember we've got to keep up with small children to teens and every age in between, make them happy and you're golden; It's an easy job to do." Pausing to give her a moment, Artie took out her wand and summoned a glass of water to offer to the young woman before continuing, "For the most part, they're all good at browsing on their own, some will have questions but that's usually easy to handle as well. The children are good around the pygmy puffs, I've never had a puff squished and I've never had a fight break out in my shop. Like I said, the children are mostily very well behaved; Sometimes hyper and loud, yes, but that's normal." "Expect the unexpected, and if you have any problems or need help come to me. You'll do brilliantly, Millie." Artie finished. She had probably said too much, but Artemis thought it best to be completely honest. The more she knew, the more she could be prepared for and hopefully, the faster she'll be at ease in her new position.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |